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Permalink 9th annual Surf Guitar 101 Convention! Sat. August 13th 12pm to 12am, info for SG101 BBQ on page 11

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275 paid attendees


Jeff, I can't wait to see what you have cooked up for 2017. Thank you again for all you do for the surf community!

The Squares - 1995-2002
The Mystery Men? - 2012-
MOONBASE - 2012-2017
The KBK - 2017-2022
The Frigidaires 2021-
Southern Surf Stomp!

Thanks Chad!
And thank you for all you Do!!!


I agree. Can't wait to see what you do for 2017 Jeff.
It's going to be insane.


Just 25 more to hit 300. Could be over the top next year. Congrats Jeff.

Happy Sunsets!

Here is part 2. In the last few days I watched some videos (thanks DaveF) and it reminded me of a few things, including a great version of Moon Dawg during the Legends Jam. Everyone should check out the videos as they roll in, but as many have said, it is so much better in person.

Let’s see, so the next band was The Mach IV. These guys hit the stage grinning with synchronized dance moves and it really kicked things up a notch. Dancing intensified. I have their CD but had not listened to it in many years. I’ll definitely have to revisit it now. The gang (Ferenc, Mel Waldorf, Johnny Hamilton, and Tony Bald (TomorrowMen)) put on a very happy and raucous set that had me smiling ear to ear. They played a mixture of their originals from their Eleki! album, some great surf classics (Richie Podolor, Surf Party), and some of former drummer (now deceased) Shig 33’s fantastic songs. In fact they dedicated their set to keeping Shigs music alive, and I was overjoyed they played his song “Shooting Star”. The Mach IV really hit it out of the park, which is not what you might expect from a band that existed for only a very short time and released a single album in 2003. One of the best performances at the convention for sure!

The Bradipos IV were next. This band kept building and building every time I saw them. I saw them 3 times during the weekend, and each performance was greater than the last. They absolutely killed at the pier the next day, but this set was really something as well. This is one of those bands were their live performance really transcends anything they have released to date (keep in mind I haven’t fully listened to their latest release yet). Outstanding musicians, outstanding songs, great performance. Some of the new material is Italian folk songs given the surf treatment, and they are quite magical. Lots of drama, emotion, and nuance. I was blown away when they first played the convention a few years ago, and blown away again. I went up to Amerigo at the end of the pier show the next day to thank them for coming back and sharing their amazing music with us and the guy gave me a big Italian man hug. Love those guys!! <3 <3

From Russia, it’s Messer Chups! I was somewhat familiar with this band, at least their newer, surfy stuff, before the convention, having listened to a lot of the reissued Church of Reverb and Crocotiger albums. But to be honest, there is a lot of hype about this band that kind of mystified me a bit. However this set really won me over, and I think their set the next day confirmed for me this is a really talented and great band, deserving of the hype. They are really good at what they do. Oleg is a magician on the guitar, rapid firing licks with lots of nuance and finesse, doing lots of little “tricks” with the whammy bar, pickup selector, and anything else he can grab onto on the guitar. Svetlana is a damn solid bass player who locks right in with the drums. And wow, Dr. Boris on drums is incredible, just what this band needs to bring it all together (I really wish I could see him play with Los Twang! Marvels). The band lived up to their spooky schtick by playing along to a video of bizarre cuts from low budget 60’s horror and trash movies. The band played a number of their originals plus some cool covers done in their own style like The Munster’s Theme, Peter Gunn, and Popcorn. So yes, I was very impressed and very grateful for getting a chance to see this band twice in person. Watching Oleg was like watching a Cobra spitting fireworks. He has a really unique style.

It was getting late, and the long day was wearing on me, but there were two more bands!

The Space Cossacks were a big favorite, and it was so cool to see them play this reunion set of shows. The Space Cossacks hold a special place in my heart, as I know they do to many others. They were one of the first 90’s bands I discovered when I first got into surf music. There are so many great SC songs it was like euphoria listening to them played live. The band was on fire and the chemistry between the band was on full display. The SC’s songs have solid memorable melodies that transport you places. There is the hammer of Thor type thunder and then there are the slower more introspective songs. Killer covers like The Cossacks and that Finnish song I won’t even attempt to spell here. Ivan always makes it look so easy, I still can’t believe that guy, and I’ve seen him play dozens of times now over the years. There is just something about getting those four people, Doug, Catherine, Mark, and Ivan, together that creates true magic. I loved, loved, loved it. Please keep reuniting Space Cossacks!

OMG the headliner… The Phantom Four with John Blair. I truly love the Phantom Four and never thought I would get to see this band live. But here they were! Thank you Jeff!! I love the P4’s seemingly simple songs that have these incredibly memorable melodies combined with a rhythm section that basically forces you to get up and dance. So I knew I was going to love hearing these songs, but I had no idea how much of a showman Phantom Frank was. I think he’s some kind of mystical snake charmer, shamen, matador, hypnotist, and space alien! I was fortunate enough to somehow stand right up front, and my mouth was just dropped open the entire time, my heart pounding, and tears filling up in my eyes. What a performance! Frank cajoled the crowd, hypnotized them, and had everyone dancing like madmen. His sinewy guitar lines looped over and over, whipping up the crowd into a tizzy. Quite possibly one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. And don’t forget the Jon & The Nightriders tunes with John Blair playing lead! Two of my greatest heroes united on stage! Amazing! I will never forget that. Niels really impressed with his drumming. He was very powerful and I imagine he had to step up to play the Dusty Watson parts on the J&TNR tunes, but he didn’t have to step very far. And wow, Marc was a giant (literally!) on the bass! The rhythm section is so important in that band, and they nailed it!! Definitely a history making performance in a full day of history making performances. Simply unbelievable.

Wow, so thanks if you are still reading. I think I covered all the bands I saw. I did miss The Hot Rod Trio, who went on first. I’ve written way too much in one sitting. I do want to write at least one more post with some final thoughts on the convention to wrap things up. Give me a few more days for that.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Great post Brian! It's nice to read and recall these moments after a few weeks.

The Scimitars

GREAT job, Brian! Thank you for the compliments about the Cossacks, too! I really enjoyed reading the whole thing. Well done!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Thank you Brian,
I am so glad you enjoyed all the bands.
If nobody other than you and myself were happy.
Id be fine with that. But glad other people enjoyed the show as well.


Brian, thanks for your detailed posts, they are greatly appreciated!!!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

PolloGuitar wrote:

Brian, thanks for your detailed posts, they are greatly appreciated!!!

I agree! Beautifully descriptive writing that makes it a little bittersweet for those of us who find it a bit more difficult to get there - but enjoyable nevertheless!

Wherever you go, there you are

Thank you. As the years go by I get less and less inclined to write these long show reports. It takes a lot of time and I feel very self-conscious digging so deep. But at the same time I want other people to get excited about this amazing thing that happens every year and convince them to come out and see for themselves.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Yes! Exactly!!!


And it's such a blur of activity for me,
And I don't really get to watch the bands as closely as I would like to.
That these show reports give me a glimpse into how the event went to an observer. So please keep them coming.


I'm trying to keep up as well.

Was there a review of the members jam?

Happy Sunsets!

tahitijack wrote:

I'm trying to keep up as well.

Was there a review of the members jam?

I am also trying to keep up. When our CA trip ended Beth & I got right into the next set of projects. (She is busy painting the new show poster for THE PERSISTENCE OF SURF MUSIC v3 for 8 October - which features Ivan's dad's band THE TROUBADOURS [a SHADOWS style band and tribute] ) and I am spinning several plates of different categories.

I believe I wrote something in the members jam pages - still open for more video if some one has it.

The project there , though much differerent from the past efforts (that I am aware of - only the two preceding years) seemed to be very productive, enjoyable, enthusiastic once in the room but not on the web so much. Comradery wins again.

So many people had flights out on Sunday evening or too early on Monday. That put a monkey wrench in the "normal" idea of things but in reality the members jam turned out just fine.

And in reference to the topic event:
Brian wrote:

Thank you. As the years go by I get less and less inclined to write these long show reports. It takes a lot of time and I feel very self-conscious digging so deep. But at the same time I want other people to get excited about this amazing thing that happens every year and convince them to come out and see for themselves.

bigtikidude wrote:

And it's such a blur of activity for me,
And I don't really get to watch the bands as closely as I would like to.
That these show reports give me a glimpse into how the event went to an observer. So please keep them coming.

  • [ ] I am sure I am not alone in this thinking. The work , the energy and thoughtfulness and description in writing styles is greatly appreciated by those who were there as well as the ones who need a "play by play" . Each of us attending have unique and personal experiences that sometimes are easily shared and other times not so easily shared. So the event is ...and remains to be "wonderful" in so many ways ... A family reunion, a party, an adventure, a musical experience and meeting of new friends. And so much more.

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Last edited: Sep 08, 2016 12:22:16

I hope to return the members Jam to Sat. Convention next year.


bigtikidude wrote:

I hope to return the members Jam to Sat. Convention next year.

i'm going to fly home on monday next year. i was disappointed to miss the members jam. you know i'll be there for you when the time comes. i like organizing it and don can help. we need to make it special because it's the 10th year.

Well, the convention needs to have some good jam songs.
A little deeper than pacifica, etc.
If there is a jam on Sunday, that will be extra.
The convention needs to have at least 1
Hour of member jam, that's what sets it apart from all other
Surf festivals.


Surf Jam vids from Guy Moore:

Gunshot - George Tomsco

FOOT PATTER - George Tomsco

Squad Car SG101 2016 Jam Session - Eddy's Showmen

Dark Eyes Sg101 2016 Jam Session - Eddy's Showmen

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

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