Posted on Mar 22 2015 01:07 PM
Hi all!
OK, finally getting around to answering a few posts that I didn't get to before - please excuse my tardiness, but it was a very busy week, and after last weekend, I was pretty fried!
Once again, thank you all VERY MUCH for your enthusiasm and encouraging words, they were greatly appreciated and helpful! We're recoding these albums primarily for ourselves, but of course our deep hope is always that our friends and peers will like them, as well! And we work very hard to make that happen.
OK, here we go:
Onslow_Beach wrote:
Curious, to hear if you've tried using the ABY (tonebone switchbone box)after a single reverb unit since your settings on both seem to be aimed at the same sound. ...or do you vary the reverb as much as it appears you are doing between the Band Master and Surfer depending on the song?
You know, I could have easily gotten away with just using one reverb unit and splitting the signal afterwards, as the reverb settings on the two units were basically the same for most of the time. There were a few instances where they diverged a little bit, and probably if I had more time to experiment in the studio, I would have done more of that. But still, I thought it might just add a bit of a different dimension to have two different units. The G-Spring always went with the primary amp, whether that was the Gomez Surfer, the AC-30 or the Bandmaster.
BTW - interesting to see you're plugged into the 'Glassy' (Normal) side of the Surfer with the Tone and the Vibrato side of the Band Master...
Those are just the channels on those amps that sound the best to my ears. I did use the Bandmaster Vibrato a bit, too, but the Vibrato channel on the BM is just a beast!
and how relatively high the Bass knobs are set on both. Made me go look up your last batch of recording pics from 2011 and indeed, it looks like you're a tad higher there. Must just be another part of your ratcheting up of the sonic boom (along w/ a lil more overdrive)
I think it was different on different songs. I lowered the bass on both amps once I started recording songs with cleaner tones. One main difference between the two sessions was that the last time I plugged the Bandmaster into the Gomez 2x15 cab - so, the Surfer and the Bandmaster were not recorded together on Tribal Fires, it was always one or the other plus the Vox. This time around I brought the cab for the Bandmaster (which is actually a '67 Bassman cab, a bit deeper than the BM cab, I think, loaded with EV-12Ls), and recorded a bunch of songs without the AC-30, using just the Surfer and the Bandmaster. Those EVs are really bright speakers and can also handle a huge amount of bass - and my '62 Bandmaster HAS a huge amount of bass - so I set the controls according to the cab. I had to roll back the Presence knob a bit, cause it was too bright on 10 - I had it at 9, enough to tame it a bit.
Maybe the ol' adage goes for both the channel and splitter now that I look closer at both sets of photos (if it ain't broke...)
Well, listening back to Tribal Fires, I decided that my tone was a bit too muddy on some tracks due to using too much reverb. (I know, please don't lynch me!) So, besides using the separate Bandmaster cab, I also decided to keep the reverb lower than the last time around. I wanted more definition and more presence to the guitar tone. What I heard in the studio on playback makes me think I achieved that. We'll see....
DreadInBabylon wrote:
Still overwhelmed from "Sonic Cataclysm", the new songs are monsters. That lead from "Caravela" is a pinnacle of Ivan's style (I'm still trying to get it, half speed...), and the break straight after the solo is my favorite piece of music right now. I'd love to hear the high gain, triple tracked result.
Thanks very much, Ariel, I'm thrilled to hear you say that! I think we took that song to a different level with this studio version - I hope so, anyway, and I hope you'll agree! But man, it's really nice to hear you say that.
Love those Studio reports Ivan, be sure we'd continue to nit-pick every little detail. That's because we can.
Thanks again! I've done what I can!
SanchoPansen wrote:
Is there going to be vinyl release of the alnum and will you bring it to Surfer Joe this year?
Unfortunately, the answer is no to both questions. Double Crown doesn't do vinyl LPs, and nobody else is offering. And our engineer takes a pretty long time to mix these albums, and I'm sure we won't have it done in time for SJ, sad to say. The likely release date will be in September or possibly even later, unless we get a lucky break and he works much faster than in the past!
revhank wrote:
The updates are great. Recording is a lot of fun, and it seems like you guys enjoy it. Looking forward to the release.
Thanks, Rev! Yes, the vibe in the studio was EXCELLENT! We were having a lot of fun, and enjoying playing and creating with one another. But we're not really a band to ever fight. Of course, we sometimes disagree and on occasion things can get somewhat contentious, but we're old enough to be able to diffuse those situations and come to agreements without getting angry at one another. Ultimately we played together for long enough to be able to trust each other 100% that we all want what's best for the music, and that makes a huge difference.
Badger wrote:
Did Patrick's Showman ever get revived? 
Not yet. I'm taking it to my tech this Thursday. I fully trust he'll bring it back to health!
Thanks again, all!
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