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Permalink Letter from a "not amused" North Sea Surf Radio listener

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I'm surprised anyone would complain. Unless they've donated, it's free. It's as good a collection as I have found. It runs 24 hours. I don't understand everything that's being said but it is worldwide. I'm grateful it's available.

I'm good with the DJ's because they're informative and I'm interested in the subject.

DJ's on most other radio are another matter…amusing how it's considered a sign of talent to keep talking over the start of a song up until the singing starts, like the intro really doesn't matter.

You can't please all listeners all of the time, but you can choose to focus on the listeners that matter. I'm just amazed that such a hardcore surf purist exists. This kind of reminds me of a letter in "Loaded" magazine, which had a time waster of the month column. Although feedback is a gift, I wouldn't take it too seriously.

The NSSR DJs are knowledgeable and passionate about the music they play. Hearing a voice adds a great deal to the sense of community around the genre. Well done all involved.

Sharawaji Records - UK Registered Record Label Dedicated To Surf, Instro, Reverb and Twang - the Network for Surf Music Join Now
Surf Rock Radio - the World’s Number 1 Surf Music Station
Surf Music Radio - the World's Number 2 Surf Music Station
Monstromental - Pulp Horror Instro Surf Radio

The old Smith's classic 'Hang the DJ' doesn't comply with NSSR. All the DJ's give usefull info about the tracks and artists. You can learn a lot just by listening. It's not the usual DJ-terror that is nowadays the norm, where the DJ is biggest star, not the music he or she plays.

So, please keep up the good work!
Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
Aloha Fest on facebook

When people don't have real problems, they sometimes manufacture them. There is NOTHING problematic about NSSR, really excellent work Niels and company! Thank you!!


Brian wrote:

Las_Barracudas wrote:

You do know that many of us still can't listen via the website ??

Way to go off topic. Or maybe you were that guy who wrote in?

Can you be more specific? It works fine for me on desktop Firefox. What browser are you using? Mobile or desktop?

Windows Vista
HSD provider - Charter
No I didn't write in and wouldn't, but thanks for the baseless accusation. Confused

METEOR IV on reverbnation

I was just reacting to the tone of your recent posts.

What version of IE?

The NSSR website is using flash to stream the station. Do you have a recent version of flash? Have you tried another browser like Firefox or Chrome?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Sometimes the Beta version of Flash handles things better. Flash is and always have been a problematic platform for streaming.
Still beats "terrestrial" radio Big Grin

I personally love ANY surf talk, doesn't matter, I drink it up!
Even more than the endless source of information from guys who really got their feet wet in the genre 1st hand, it brings a sense of the community and is just plain fun.

One can has today many playback devices to choose from if One just wanna listen to music, no interference, alone, in his room in the dark crying.
Ask politely, express your gratitude, it's REAL people. That simple. Especially when you 'request' something, even more if you consider yourself to be part of that something.
But even that isn't fair this case, because NSSR is exceptionally awesome, a true work of heart.

Sickness of the generation: entitlement.

Last edited: Sep 18, 2014 13:24:28

I listen to NSSR over here in Australia. Keep doing what you are doing. This complainer reminds me of no-name-or-reputation people that go to surf instro gigs, stand at the back or side of the stage with their arms crossed pretending they know stuff, and then corralling you during a break to say how you should play something.

So I tried Firefox with the same results; no dice.

I tried my wife's Kindle tablet and though I could access the website, I could not listen. Apparently it's a Flash Player issue.

With IE or Firefox I could not access the site at all?? That said my machine does have the latest Flash Player updates but given the fact I couldn't access the site I have no idea if it would work or not.

Just for kicks I had my bud try from his home (same HSD provider), and no dice. He has a tablet with Windows 8 OS. He could access the site but also had a Flash Player issue.

Looks like multiple issues and I'm beginning to wonder if my provider is some how blocking over seas websites either purposely or inadvertently?

I understand the typical Surf music listener is a pretty small demographic but I have a feeling at least a few are just unable to listen for various reasons.

Anyway, not trying to be a pest just trying to pass on some useful info.

Best of luck, sounds like a great program!

METEOR IV on reverbnation

not to rub it in,
once you go Mac, you'll never go back.


Las_Barracudas wrote:

So I tried Firefox with the same results; no dice.

I tried my wife's Kindle tablet and though I could access the website, I could not listen. Apparently it's a Flash Player issue.

Well, kind of. Adobe no longer supports flash on Android. So that isn't surprising.

With IE or Firefox I could not access the site at all?? That said my machine does have the latest Flash Player updates but given the fact I couldn't access the site I have no idea if it would work or not.

What do you mean? When you go here: what exactly happens? Does it spin forever? Or do you get an error? What is it?

Just for kicks I had my bud try from his home (same HSD provider), and no dice. He has a tablet with Windows 8 OS. He could access the site but also had a Flash Player issue.

I'm not sure about windows tablet support for flash. I would think it should work, but I have no experience with Windows 8 or Win 8 tablets.

Looks like multiple issues and I'm beginning to wonder if my provider is some how blocking over seas websites either purposely or inadvertently?

I highly doubt it. It would help if you post the exact error you get when you visit the website.

You can bypass flash altogether by installing or using a media player and listening to the stream. For example, download VLC and use this stream URL to listen. There are other options available, including using Windows Media Player on the NSSR listen page. Of course that may be a bit hard for you to get to until you figure out why you can't reach the website.

Another option is to try this android solution on your wife's kindle that I posted earlier.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Las_Barracudas, can you or can you not watch YouTube videos (not with HTML5) on your machine?
Flash must be updated at all times - compatibility issues with browsers and media formats are being addressed constantly.

Last edited: Sep 21, 2014 13:16:55

So if I click the link or manually type in the web address I get the same result with either browser; I get a blank page and no it doesn't spin forever. It's like it lands on the page but no content is displayed.

The Kindle takes me to the page (wireless provider) but apparently there's a Flash Player issue with that device. Didn't want to fool with the wife's settings so I left that device as is.

Perhaps it's an issue with my provider. Maybe not "blocking" stuff as I first indicated but something else?? I don't know? No way I'm a calling Charter Communications on my day off for a problem they'd likely be unable to correct over the phone. Laughing

Yes I can watch youtube videos on my machine all day long, never had an issue.

It sounds like a very cool program but it's really not a big issue for me, just kind of baffling. I'm not privy to the scope of your business model but I'd want it to work for everybody especially if $$$ was an objective. If it's just more of a hobby thing then if a few people can't listen it's no big deal I guess.

I did like the facebook page and I'm behind you whether I can listen or not. If I figure out a break through on my end I'll let you know.

METEOR IV on reverbnation

I listed several ways you could listen if you can't get flash to work in my previous post, above. I also explained why it is unlikely you can use flash on your kindle. Your best bet seems to be to use a media player for the stream, not flash (that's what I do).

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Last edited: Sep 21, 2014 14:12:18

Las_Barracudas wrote:

I'm not privy to the scope of your business model but I'd want it to work for everybody especially if $$$ was an objective. If it's just more of a hobby thing then if a few people can't listen it's no big deal I guess.

They can't control user-error, which is the issue on your end. North Sea Surf Radio can't install flash on your computer.

It is really rude for you to suggest this is something they need to fix, or that the scope of their business is to exclude people.

You've implied a couple times that it is their fault when the fault fully lies on your side.

My old Windows notebook would never run Flash, and I never figured out why. I would download it almost every day, and it would pretend to install, but then it wasn't there. I finally gave up.

My Windows 8.1 notebook runs Flash just fine. But I use iTunes to listen to NSSR; I have no idea if that uses Flash or not. Media Player had been unreliable having sound. iTunes always works.

My Windows 8.1 Nokia Lumina gets NSSR over the Surf Radio App, which also carries other surf music channels. Nothing else worked.

I hope some of this helps.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Windoze 7 w/Firefox and current Flash. Runs like a Rolex, or I can switch pages and use the existing Win media player. Only thing I have to do in terms of Flash (if that's what I want to use) is actually tell it to go ahead - but that is a function of some security features I've turned on.

As to the letter and Niels' class reply, "if you're not gettin' snagged once in awhile you're not fishin' where the fish are." Untangle the line & drive on.

NSSR rocks!

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

Brian wrote:

I'm not sure about windows tablet support for flash. I would think it should work, but I have no experience with Windows 8 or Win 8 tablets.

I think XP and Vista can only use up to IE-9.
There is some news about Microsoft no longer supporting these OS or MS browser but I can't remember the details off hand.
IE-10 and 11 will only work on Win-7 and 8 OS.
Flash is installed separately on Win-7 and integrated into Win-8.

crumble wrote:

Flash is installed separately on Win-7 and integrated into Win-8.

Yes, this is somewhat like the length of time it takes Detroit automakers to eventually implement something; Flash has been around awhile. This is why I usually simply click the Listen tab, select the Win Media Player method, and then just let that go in the background. Otherwise on Win 7 the Flash is likely to still crash at some point when a necessary background task fires up.

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

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