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Permalink Letter from a "not amused" North Sea Surf Radio listener

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Hi guys,

Just got an email from a listener last night. I will keep his name out for privacy reasons but would like to share it with you.

Subject: Stop the talking!!

Hi there,

I've just gotten back from vacation and I'm appalled at what I'm now hearing on your station: talk and some music that is NOT surf music. Whatever changes you've made over the last week need to be rolled back immediately! I don't listen to talk or bad music, so you are jeopardizing your whole operation by abolishing a great on-air formula and replacing it with the usual crap that other stations do. Please come to your senses.


Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

Here's my reply:

Dear S.,

Thanks you very much for taking the time to express your opinion.

Since the launch of North Sea Surf Radio we have had presented shows in the weekend which re-run during weekdays. Due to a crash our stream for the past 5 months has had only a couple of hundred surf music tracks on shuffle. This must have been the moment you first tuned in to our station.
This however was a temporary solution and never the way our station was intended. With all due respect, but broadcasting a couple of hundred tracks without any jingles, promo's and presented shows is not "radio" in our humble opinion .

Yes we have DJ's talking on our station (18 of the 168 hours a week) but it is done by people with a great knowledge of and passion for surf music. The talks are informative and only about the music. It does not compare with the millions of stations around the world talking about the weather, doing stupid games and babbling on the phone with callers about the breakfast they had. That is the type of talking that annoys us and you will never hear on NSSR.

As for some of the music not being surf music, this is partly a matter of opinion. Yes we program music that is on and sometimes a little over the edges of the genre but the reverb always has an important role. This is not a station for the purists but the open minded lovers of the genre and it's sidesteps.

If you prefer to listen to a couple of hundred songs on shuffle without any form of radio formatting I would suggest you buy the Cowabunga box and a couple of other crucial compilations and play that on shuffle.

North Sea Surf Radio will always have DJ's to a certain extent and will always play music not 100% surf by purist standards. I'm sorry to tell you but the NSSR "radio station" you have been listening to up untill a week ago will never be back on air that way again.

We hope you have the open mindedness to give the current NSSR a chance but if it does not appeal to you in the current form we wish you lots of luck putting together your own ideal collection of tunes and playing that on shuffle, never to be surprised by any new and exciting music again.

Best regards,

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

I don't know why I even took the time to type this but I guess the tone annoyed me so much I just had to respond.


Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Last edited: Sep 17, 2014 05:41:06

Cheers Niels,
Good reply.

In the past when telling people to listen to
NSSR. I've had a few tell me that they don't
Care for the DJs talking.
I told them that is why I listen.
I wanna hear what they have to say.
I wanna learn more about the scene.
Keep fighting the good fight.


Thanks bro.
I knew you would feel the same.

Niels Jansen
Program Director
North Sea Surf Radio

To submit your surf music to North Sea Surf Radio send the tracks as .mp3 in 320kbps bitrate with correct tags to via Dropbox.

North Sea Surf Radio: Website- Facebook - Twitter
North Sea Surf Festival: Website - Facebook - Twitter
The Phantom Four: Website - Facebook - Twitter

I like the DJs as well. NSSR is an absolute blessing. Keep up the good work!


All I wish I knew what they were talking about

I do try and keep the talking down to a minimum on my show, largely because I don't really have much to say beyond, "I saw/heard this band recently and this is a track from their album..." I reckon I talk for around 5 minutes out of the hour, so, around 55 minutes of music in an hour long show. He won't be finding that on many radio stations. Admittedly, I do play the odd instrumental track that is definitely not surf, but only if I think it's something that might appeal to fans of the genre or that might make a good surf cover.

Still, there's no pleasing some people, hey Niels?

Los Fantasticos

Sounds like one of the self-important blowhards who are unfortunately also found on every good website.

I like the format just the way it is. Keep the DJs talking, and kepp playing the wide range of surf music. Entertaining and informative!


Canadian Surf

Evidently iPods don't work in Silver Springs, Maryland? Big Grin

I think a good DJ adds to a sense of connection between the station and the listener. It's an art that's largely gone the way of the dodo (as radio itself has). Cheers to anyone who's trying to keep that art alive.

Everybody up!

I very much missed the hosts. They aren't remotely talking heads; they're active surf musicians. And I really missed the amazing variety of surf music they played, and what they'd say about it. It's fabulous that everything is coming back together again.

In fact, the only thing I can think of that's missing is someone from Japan doing an Eleki program. I'd love to hear about that music from someone who grew up listening to and playing it. If you're interested, Niels, I can ask around. I don't have great connections there, but I know a few people who might. So I can't promise anything.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Last edited: Sep 17, 2014 08:38:39

Interesting. Maybe there's something in the air. Last Saturday on Fiberglass Jungle I received a comment in the Luxuria chatroom from someone in which they cussed at me and complained about too much talking.
Same person perhaps?

Niels, you are doing an incredible thing and literally making the world a better place through all of your insanely hard work with North Sea Surf Radio. You should be showered with respect, praise and support. Hearing such diversity and the anecdotes and insights that the DJs provide when talking are prime reasons to tune in. Worship

Insect Surfers
The Tikiyaki Orchestra
The Scimitars
Lords Of Atlantis
Fiberglass Jungle - Surf Radio

Such surf purists hate all words, not just lyrics I guess Big Razz

There's always gotta be someone complaining...

Thanks for all you do, Niels. And thanks to all the DJs who give us such excellent track selections and wonderful insights!

Butt hurt alert!

Give me DJs or give me, ummm, DJs! I'm trying to improve my Spanish, German and Italian :) Keep up the great work and the great vision Niels.



I've talked to other radio DJs who think that a broadcast (or netcast for that matter) should be a conversation between the DJ and the listener - and I agree.

I think most radio listeners agree, too - but there are some who seem to have confused us with Pandora or an iPod or maybe even a free juke box.

JONPAUL wrote:

Hearing such diversity and the anecdotes and insights that the DJs provide when talking are prime reasons to tune in. Worship


The DJ is the salt of the program... without him something is missing...
Find us on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, and all other music platforms.
Los Pipelines - Facebook

You do know that many of us still can't listen via the website ??

METEOR IV on reverbnation

Niels, Thank you and the DJ's for all your hard work and time. It's great to have you back on the air. I'd much rather hear NSSR's DJ's than the ads for car parts and pop tarts with digitally enhanced vocals that I get from Pandora and spotify.

It's so funny the guy preferred the machine playing 200 tracks endlessly. I don't like Pandora because it lacks the human element. A sophisto algorhythm is no replacement for a human DJ with taste and insight.

But let's hear it for the ultra-pure surf taliban! This IS the era of intolerance. Surftakfir, anyone?
josheboy wrote:

Such surf purists hate all words, not just lyrics I guess Big Razz

Squink Out!

Las_Barracudas wrote:

You do know that many of us still can't listen via the website ??

Way to go off topic. Or maybe you were that guy who wrote in?

Can you be more specific? It works fine for me on desktop Firefox. What browser are you using? Mobile or desktop?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Love the DJs! Always very informative.

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