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Permalink i'm terrified of playing loud....

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That is an oddly un-rock-and-roll way of looking at things. I, personally, want to play at such deafening volume that I saturate the nervous system responses of the auditory senses in the inner ear of the listener. Wink

Seriously, though, just wear hearing protection on stage. It is the same as trying to talk when you have them in; you just do everything louder as a natural response to your partial deafness.


I've played electric guitar off and on with increasing seriousness of intent since I was in high school. When I was in my mid-20s I went to Taipei, Taiwan ROC to work in bushibans teaching English. I soon hated that and met buskers who made more $ doing something less onerous. So I got my first-and-only steel string acoustic guitar there and started busking in public. I literally learned how to sing and play at the same time in front of strangers, Chinese people who thought I was a weird hairy gwai-lo before I opened my mouth or struck a chord. But they must have dug how I would 'get into it' because they paid me fairly well.
To me, singing was the big hump to get over as I had totally loved cranking and playing feedback leads over my college band a few years previously. The nakedness of singing with an acoustic guitar was scary – for about 3 days in the subway. By then it was a routine, and I got into it.
There was a girl in town there who would sing a capella, solo. Now THAT took cojones.

Squink Out!

After I made many loud huge errors--and no one else noticed--performance anxiety felt unrealistic, and it mostly left. The most important thing to overall surf band sound seems to be that your drummer plays on time and has a full resonant sound. With this, lead guitar is more about timing than notes (although of course both count).

Loudness itself is a separate concern. Really loud music raises blood pressure besides damaging hearing and causing constant tinnitus (ringing noise). Shortly after I quit a band because they were too loud one of their members (in his 60s) suffered a red stroke...


Last edited: Jun 30, 2013 15:09:33

So Carol, after all this advice, do you feel any better about this?


Big Grin

thanks for all the imput folks. it's taking a bit to get used to hearing myself playing over the band on certain songs. i usually play rhythm and fills and am very comfortable with that but when i hit my pedal to bring myself up i never know what's going to happen. thank goodness most of my glaring mistakes have been at practice and not when we play out. i just have to remember to breath........

ElBirkerio wrote:

....... I can contribute a mixolydian variation of the highly complex tune "penetration"...

blueruins wrote:

vintagesurfdude wrote:
..... because the only thing that feels worse than embarrassing yourself is being a coward.

i wholeheartedly agree with this and is one reason i've played in the members jam every year at the convention. i don't like 'i should have, wish i had, but didn't'.

Turn it up--play loud and proud--you have more that earned the right to do this!!!!! you have our total support!!! go get 'em!!!

Enjoying the surf,sun and sand!!

The other day we were playing Sleepwalk when my rhythm guitar player decided to go into the bridge after one verse instead of two. There were several seconds of complete confusion as we each tried to figure out what was going on and adapt to the other guy.

As far as I can tell, nobody in the audience noticed a thing.

mom_surfing wrote:

ElBirkerio wrote:

....... I can contribute a mixolydian variation of the highly complex tune "penetration"...


so ... would you like to hear this gem?

... i have jsut added a short sample to the "Download Section" Big Razz


Last edited: Jul 03, 2013 05:00:12

can't find it wolfi

Back during the summers of 1965 and 1966, I was lucky enough to play in a pick up back up band for two charting artists: The Tymes (So Much in Love) and Ronnie Milsap (Never had it so Good, before he went country). We learned real fast to follow the "lead" matter where it went. No matter how we rehearsed a song....follow that guy out front. Make him look good.

I'm pretty lucky, The Surge! brothers are really good at covering for old inept Ed.


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

mom_surfing wrote:

can't find it wolfi

maybe it is not released by brian yet ... it is called "PenetrationBlooper" and is either in Demos or in Misc ...


mom_surfing wrote:

blueruins wrote:

vintagesurfdude wrote:
..... because the only thing that feels worse than embarrassing yourself is being a coward.

i wholeheartedly agree with this and is one reason i've played in the members jam every year at the convention. i don't like 'i should have, wish i had, but didn't'.

Carol, truer words are hard to come by. This was me at the Instro Summit. No matter what you or Mike said to encourage me, I wouldn't get up on stage for the open jam. It was fear of public failure plain and simple. So I watched you play rhythm guitar in the jam and realized I could have been up there doing that (though not as well). I felt really stupid for chickening out. I would have learned so much from the experience. I won't do that again.

This is Noel. Reverb's at maximum an' I'm givin' 'er all she's got.

Here is Wolfi's download:

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The first time I EVER played anything in front of people was six years ago. My guitar playing buddy and I had managed to learn about 8 full songs and along with a more experienced bass player who had joined us we played our little set at a local coffee shop using a drum machine. Our audience was mostly family and friends with a few "real" customers thrown in.

This was after telling my buddy that "you'll never get me up in front of people". Both of us were shaking so bad that between songs the crowd must have thought there was a small earthquake happening. Looking back, we were pretty gutsy to get out there, but it has to start somewhere.

Now I don't often get all that nervous before a gig. I just get up there and play the best I can, knowing that I'm going to make some mistakes. And when I do, I try to just move on without reacting to them and as far as I can tell, the audience doesn't know the difference. Except for any other guitar players in the crowd, of course. Those guys don't miss a thing.

Brian wrote:

Here is Wolfi's download:

elegant, isn't it???


wolfi, i can't get this to open on my mac Sigh

on another note, the band i'm in (we have 3 guitar players) played two hours yesterday at a 4th of july celebration. our main guitar player, who is a electrical lineman, got a trouble call at the end of our first set, leaving us with two guitar players. guitar player #2 was pretty wigged out being left with all the main duties. we turned it up and went for it. mistakes were there, sound a little rough in spots but the people enjoyed it and that's really all that mattered. he's beating himself up over it. i remained a cool cucumber even after having a senior moment not remembering a chord progression and furiously looking through my note cards as the band started to play. Big Grin

mom_surfing wrote:

wolfi, i can't get this to open on my mac Sigh

Apple ... let me check Very Happy

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