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Here's an interesting quote from Pat Metheny from the latest Guitar Player:

"It's funny how I see so many people obsessing about guitars and then I see them playing with a pick that has no chance of ever giving them a good tone, and it doesn't even faze them. To me, the pick is the most important piece of gear"


Canadian Surf

I prefer Herco picks. That's what they used in the 60's for many surf recording so that's what I use now.

Here's an interesting quote from Pat Metheny from the latest Guitar Player:

"It's funny how I see so many people obsessing about guitars and then I see them playing with a pick that has no chance of ever giving them a good tone, and it doesn't even faze them. To me, the pick is the most important piece of gear"


so, it begs the question: "what kind of pick does Pat Metheny recommend?"


This is my current fave, this pick has a great snap to it, and it actually makes an acoustic sound just a little brighter

Lava Bill, I thought I responded to your question about Davas, but didn't see my post... sorry bout that. I used Davas almost exclusively when I was learning how to double pick. The design made it easier somehow, kind of like training wheels for me. I found that some were way more flexible than others, and spent some time finding the stiffest "hing" in the pile of Davas, then you have to retire them when they get too soft.

I am on a pick kick lately, whenever I go to Gryphon in Palo Alto, I stock up on different designs, they seem to have more variety than any other shop.


I prefer Herco picks. That's what they used in the 60's for many surf recording so that's what I use now.

i need to get a few more herco's ... I only have one, and it's getting beat up...

Last edited: Nov 03, 2008 11:09:46

That's what they used in the 60's for many surf recording so that's what I use now.

What recordings?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Jim Dunlop 53mm Nylon. Wouldn't change them for anything!

Guitar Player in Nahuelaizers

Lately I have been using Fender heavys, in the "351" shape. Not the most unusual and interesting choice, I know. Surf green is a nice color to match my Jaguar, but I actually like more of the feel of the green moto picks, so that's what I use now.

It's go-go, not cry-cry.

To help capture the sound of the old records guitar sounds, use real tortoise shell picks. I have a small stash of them that came from an old pick display case that an old man sold to my local guitar store. Though, illegal since around 1970, or so, you may find them in old guitar cases, etc. I only use them for recording... I even have an unused Fender tortoise shell pick my amp tech gave me. He found a bag of them, and just started using them not realizing what they were. The closest sound to real tortoise shell picks that I've found are the Jim Dunlap Gels. The greens for most playing, the blues for quiet stuff. The are scary close to the sound of the real thing. Although, they break easily, the tone is worth the inconveniance. Now, also try a pick with the brand name "Cool". Try the Thins. They don't break, and when you {I} are physically wrecked and have to play crazy for a gig, they have less drag on the strings.

Started playing surf style a year ago but couldn't fast double pick without misfiring and the pick always slid through my fingers. I remembered an old pick i had back in the 70s with a contoured thumb grip and found "Wedgie Picks". The dark grey .73mm was the best i tried, it's expensive to try them all as they tend to be sold in packs. They really stick to your thumb but alas they sound plastic and if it does slip it's harder to get back in position. I read about Dave and the Dunlop Gels elsewhere but could only find Dunlop Gator Grip .58mm in short notice but wow! these really work well for me, Ha! the guy who sold them told me to throw 'em in the washing machine every now and then!

i use tortex oranges and yellows.
im about to order another half gross of each.

Fender 355s. the triangle ones.

I use this one:


For me, the Dava control picks are great. Original dark turquoise colored ones. Been using those for 5+ years and can not use any other picks now. I don't necessarily use them for the "control" aspect. I just happen to like the feel of the pick, the grip etc.

.88 Green Tortex.


Here's an interesting quote from Pat Metheny from the latest Guitar Player:

"It's funny how I see so many people obsessing about guitars and then I see them playing with a pick that has no chance of ever giving them a good tone, and it doesn't even faze them. To me, the pick is the most important piece of gear"


so, it begs the question: "what kind of pick does Pat Metheny recommend?"

Well, I've got one of his pics that he gave me at a gig i worked on with him. I've used, it's pretty thin, red, and signatured. I'll see if i can get the scanner working to scan it Very Happy

real tortoise shell picks

I've recently discovered the wonders of baby elephant toenail picks. They have tone to die for and sustain for daaaaaays. Make sure to get the ones that are yanked without sedatives, otherwise they don't have that "roar".

Matter is just energy waiting to happen.

this is hilarious


I used to like the thicker tortex, but now I only use Moshay's. They are hard to find. But I found a shop that had a bunch and I cleaned them out. The guy didn't realize how hard they were to get, he sold me like 20 picks for $5. Some folks are crazy what they are asking for these. I'm hoping that if more folks get hooked on these the MFG will start making more. Lets hope that it doesn't backfire.

Good old Joe Moshay passed away a couple years ago...he used to make moshay picks by hand in his garage. I'm not sure what the status of moshay picks will be...maybe the family will sell the business to some manufacturer...or maybe they will sell their patents? I sure do hope that production resumes someday...they are the only pick I use!

so, definitely, get 'em while you can find them...

Hi Troy - Joe Moshay's grandson, Paul writing... The Moshay Pick will continue...and believe it or not one can finally order direct online - thanks for making the extra effort to find them in the past Smile


real tortoise shell picks

I've recently discovered the wonders of baby elephant toenail picks. They have tone to die for and sustain for daaaaaays. Make sure to get the ones that are yanked without sedatives, otherwise they don't have that "roar".

wow, you're pretty clueless aren't you? tortoise shell picks is what was used in the 60's and as Dave said, _if _you are trying for that tone ...

what is funny though is that if I had to name one player who is NOT aiming for rehashing the 1st wave but is all original in playing AND tone, it would DW.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

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