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Let's talk about picks. They're probably more important to us than the average guitar player, wouldn't you say? Right now I use these hard nylon Jim Dunlop jazz 2 mini picks. I used to play fingerstyle jazz and when I used a pic these were the only ones I used. They allow you to really utilize your other fingers. They are also hard as a freaking rock so you get a really crisp sound when trem picking. I don't pick in the standard way. My first guitar teacher played with his pick sideways and I've always played that way too, so don't know how these would translate for the average surf guitar player.

Anyway. . .what do you use? (supply a pic if you can).


Tortex Oranges(60s)

EBE Alien glow-in-the-dark (Heavy)


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Moshay Pick: hard nylon with the cool "never-drop" grip hole drilled straight through them...excellent for "Miserlou" great for bass playin' too...


hard to find, but worth the search.

they might still have them over at Interstate music:


I second Brian's call on the EB3 Glowing Alien Head picks -- they're my pick of choice, but I also go with the "cat's tongue" picks by Cool Picks. Shockingly enough, Dano of the Nebulas says he still has the one I sent him way back when as a third backup pick when he plays.


Dunlop Delrin 500 Standard .96 Dark Pink for the last 10+ years exclusively.



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I used to use the ebe glow in the darks too, but I started to dislike them cause of their mellow tone - also noticed they get more flexible when they get hot (thru trempicking) which feels awkward. other than that, they are very comfortable and last forever.

I now mainly use Dunlop ultex .73 - the surface is rough like the tortexes (supposed to mimmick real tortoise shell picks - never used any of those ..) but they flex more comfortable in my hands at least. they give a bit of a snappy, ploinky, "jagish" sound, makes the individual attack when trempicking come thru better. there was a thread about this a while ago on the yahoo group, when Dave Wronski suggested Dunlop gels, the thin ones - they sound terrific but I couldn't handdle them, I like more medium picks.

I did find that the picks you use have tremendous effect on your sound.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I do agree with WR that the Alien picks get a little too "flexy" when hot. Their "heavy" isn't quite as heavy as I would like either. I still like them though.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I use Dunlop Tortex Standard .50 Red picks. I found that for me, the thinner, the better. I can double-pick a lot faster with them than with the heavier ones.

Fender Extra Heavy


They don't carry Fender EXTRA Heavys around any of the stores here. So I've been going back and forth with blue and green Dunlop tortex picks, and of course Fender Heavys.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

How do you post a pic of a pick?

Atomic Mosquitos
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How do you post a pic of a pick?

just in case that's not a pun, you find an url for the pic you want to show and put it inbetween Img tags, using the Img button on the upper right of the post message box. (click Img - type url - click Img again)

no way to upload pics form your computer.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Thanks. It was a pun but I did need the info.

I'll take a shot.

Dunlop Ultex 1.0.

If they're good enough for Sum 41 they're good enough for me. (now that is a joke!)


Atomic Mosquitos
Bug music for bug people is here!
Killers from Space

The Carol Kaye pick:


Its small size (7/8" W x 1.25" L/23mm x 31mm) and extreme stiffness makes it great for pick-style bass (natch!) and for guitar w/heavier strings (11's on up). It's available from Kaye's web site:

P.S. Carol Kaye also plays guitar and uses this same pick for 6-string work.

~ J

They don't carry Fender EXTRA Heavys around any of the stores here. So I've been going back and forth with blue and green Dunlop tortex picks, and of course Fender Heavys.

these come out to about .32 cents each - I think I pay .25 each at the music store.

Those standard picks always feel too small to me. I prefer Fender 355's in medium or heavy. You also get 3 points to wear out/break off per pick, they seem more ecinomical that way...



They don't carry Fender EXTRA Heavys around any of the stores here. So I've been going back and forth with blue and green Dunlop tortex picks, and of course Fender Heavys.

these come out to about .32 cents each - I think I pay .25 each at the music store.

Thanks Mike, this reminds me when I used to get Fender Extra Hvy picks I used to buy them from a mom and pop shop that sold them as singles for 25 cents. Sad times when even the smaller shops are starting to look like mini-Guitar Centers.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I'm currently using Fender 346s, but my search for the perfect pick is never ending. image

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I use the ol' Fender Medium "celluloid" picks for anything that needs a sharp, snappy attack and any fast picking:


And Dunlop "yellow" tortex picks for anything that needs a smoother, mellower tone:


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