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Posted on Oct 31 2019 11:20 PM
Cowabunga dude
I just figured out Vertigogo by Jan Davis, its not too hard to play with a little practice. Warm up required though. He played this in alternate tuning but I figured out a way to just play it in A Dorian in standard tuning¬es=sharps
The intro starts on C# on the 4th fret on the A string and works up to the B string at the 3 and 5th fret etc. The main Riff starts down at the 7th fret on the D string. That's the hard part remembering the progression it walks the fret board etc. The solo starts back at the intro and eventually ends up on the High E and B strings between the 3rd and 7th frets etc. still working on the part.
Real fun song to play, I never see anyone do this song and couldn't find anything on it tab wise or info, so had to do it myself. Will make a video someday to explain how its played. its kind of complicated progression wise, but not too hard to eventually figure it out.
Correction: Ok I got fool by Vertigogo - its in F# Locrian¬es=sharps
It fooled me because its the same exact notes and pattern as A Dorian but I noticed I was actually starting the intro on the D string 4th fret which is F# not C# like I said before , sorry I forgot it was on the D string not A ...Anyway I got the whole song down - took me a few days actually - the hardest surf song I ever tried like hundreds etc. the solo took my the longest and hard to remember all the licks and moves etc. >. I can't play this song cold. I usually have to play a few other songs to warm up my fingers to even attempt this song and usually need a second try at it to nail it. Must be a later song in the set list I guess lol.
Last edited: Nov 02, 2019 16:39:29
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Posted on Dec 10 2019 11:53 AM
I've been working on learning "Albatross" by Peter Green/Fleetwood Mac.
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Memphis, TN
Posted on Dec 10 2019 04:28 PM
Working on the first original song by The Driptones. The track is called "Late Night Surf."
— - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.
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Hamilton, Ontario
Posted on Dec 10 2019 06:28 PM
Currently arranging a three-piece rock version of A Shot in the Dark
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Los Angeles
Posted on Dec 11 2019 01:19 AM
Summer Wind cause I’m singing it on Friday for a casuals gig with my jazz trio Hollywood Rhythm Kings. For fun I’m trying to get an original recorded for the surf compilation here at surf 101. Seeing how polished I can get it before the deadline. The title is This World Is A Lonely Place.
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Posted on Dec 11 2019 02:59 AM
Vertigogo is a wild ride!
Sam, the song starts out in A major. He's playing the ii to the V back and forth. Then it goes IV, then he makes the IV minor like the Beatles always did, and goes to the I. Then the ii, then the vi (F# minor) and from there he hits the iii but subs a major (Db maj) and then comes back to the vi.
Then at the 0:33 mark he changes key, making the vi he's still on a major and goes off into vertigo mode. The best bet is to follow the bass line through all of this part. I think he does this, after leaving the F# major:
A# diminished - A major - D# minor - A# major
Then I'd say he changes the key to Ab dorian and plays a I-IV spanning four measures, Ab minor to Db major.
Then at the 0:52 mark he goes into a V-I back and forth sequence back in A major, then goes to the IV, then drops a half step to C# major, then at 1:09 launches back into the same sequence that started the song off and finishes out the song hanging on the vi.
Last edited: Dec 12, 2019 00:59:27
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Posted on Dec 11 2019 05:51 AM
Thanks Redfeather
Yeah I think I have Verti-go-go just trying to play this song ...LOL
Yeah the A major fits, I must have been real stressed out from this song - I was off two whole frets, I picked out the wrong scale but had the playing right and notes on the lead on the fret board. I always get the 5th fret and 7th fret mixed up talking music, sorry everybody
Ok I here the key change your talking about in the bass line so will try to pick that up too, it goes lower so missed that, hard to hear etc. Thanks
If nothing else its a fun song to play after a lot of practice, I like what I came up with so far, some parts of the lead I didn't like on the original arrangement anyway so did it my way.
The 2nd verse in A major is the same progression on the original recording but muted staccato type effect etc playing wise
How this translates into effective playing not sure, Jan used what he called "Hawaiian Tuning" That's why no one can get that deep tone like he had on a lot of instrumental guitar etc. One session man even had a argument with him saying there is no such tuning and Jan wouldn't tell anyone what open notes he used, because that's why he got so many jobs on sessions in the studio system getting that tone he had. He must have had a drop tuning style of some sort I never could figure out yet. One 1965 promotional photo has him fingering a weird looking barre chord I never saw before where most of the notes are just a the index finger and a two fretted notes on the last two strings. so I think he tuned where he could play chords mostly with barre chords then ??? Dunno
Not sure what open notes he used in this "Hawaiian Tuning" thing. So more than likely he was playing different positions than what we are on this song.
Somebody should tab this song out when we figure it out.
Last edited: Dec 11, 2019 11:03:08
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Posted on Dec 11 2019 12:37 PM
It sounds like you've been trying to establish the key based on the lead melody. That's just asking for trouble. The rhythm guitar and the bass line are the "key" components.
After running the song by my friend's ears, I've updated my original post a bit. I had some minors/majors wrong.
Last edited: Dec 11, 2019 23:17:13
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Posted on Dec 14 2019 09:29 PM
Just imagine a surf instrumental version.
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Posted on Dec 16 2019 04:24 PM
Redfeather wrote:
After running the song by my friend's ears, I've updated my original post a bit. I had some minors/majors wrong.
Yeah the Vertigo-go effect on the ears. Its hard to hear the backing track at points or I'm deaf now, but I get the part your talking about. I need to map out the song better, I still don't like the end of original solo part, I came up with a arrangement more surf like "I think". Fun song to play though.
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Posted on Apr 09 2020 11:22 AM
I’m going to throw this in this thread since it fits...
I’m learning and got the recommendation to figure songs out by ear. I’ve never done this and have always been intimidated by it to be honest. I need some start up advice.
What is a good app for the iPad for slowing down tracks?
What are the easiest 5 or so tunes to get started with figuring out tunes by ear?
Joined: Nov 08, 2017
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San Francisco Bay Area
Posted on Apr 09 2020 11:39 AM
I can't help with the app, but I will add that in addition to slowing the tempo, you also should have the ability to loop through a section. I've found that looping slowly through a measure or so and simultaneously picking out the notes really helps.
Have fun! You may be surprised that it's actually easy.
As for songs to learn, here are some I play that I think aren't too bad to learn: Midnight by The Shadows, Pacifica by Los Straitjackets, Penetration, Pipeline, Sleepwalk by Santo and Johnny. Not all surf, but all instrumental.
— If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
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San Francisco
Posted on Apr 09 2020 01:46 PM
Hawaii 5-O.
We used to play it with Pollo Del Mar 20 years ago, and I'm ashamed to say I learned it wrong. Recently, I was going through old multi-track tapes and was surprised to find that PDM recorded it, though it was never released. You may have heard that MuSick Recordings is re-releasing their Ventures tribute and it will be greatly expanded, so after 17 years later, I'm finishing it. This will be the first new Pollo Track since "Pose of Awareness" in 2007.
Anyway, it's amazing how hard it is to learning something the right way after your fingers have been playing it the wrong way!
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Joined: Feb 22, 2019
Posts: 190
Posted on Apr 09 2020 09:24 PM
Malaguena, Miserlou, Bombora,
the ones I feel I have down I am always working on too.
Joined: Jan 09, 2014
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Vancouver BC
Posted on Apr 10 2020 11:25 AM
Lately, I have been working on Malaguena (Trashmen) and Bikini Drag (Pyramids) in addition to working through a couple of new original tunes. I am teleworking during this Covid-19 lockdown so -on average- I have an extra 1 to 2 hours each day and more energy since I don't need to commute back and forth to the office.
— Lorne
The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada
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Posted on Apr 10 2020 04:06 PM
Check out my Malaguena! Be gentle, I am new!
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Posted on Apr 11 2020 06:27 PM
ldk wrote:
I can't help with the app, but I will add that in addition to slowing the tempo, you also should have the ability to loop through a section. I've found that looping slowly through a measure or so and simultaneously picking out the notes really helps.
Have fun! You may be surprised that it's actually easy.
As for songs to learn, here are some I play that I think aren't too bad to learn: Midnight by The Shadows, Pacifica by Los Straitjackets, Penetration, Pipeline, Sleepwalk by Santo and Johnny. Not all surf, but all instrumental.
Thanks! Appreciate the help!
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Lawrenceville , GA
Posted on Apr 05 2022 06:35 PM
Just figured out how to play Latin'ia by the Sentinals. I love the original but I'm also a huge fan of the Bambi Molesters version. Really atmospheric and trippy!
Joined: Feb 16, 2012
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Rincon Beach, California, USA
Posted on Apr 19 2022 05:56 PM
We just learned Endless Summer and Enchanted Sea on Sunday, so we’re trying to knock those into performance shape