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Surfin' to Baja (Los Straitjackets & The Ventures)

xarxas - 21 Feb 2002 12:22:52

Got this from the LS junk email list. Can you say Guitar Clinic? Wow!
Dear Fans, Friends & Guitar Aficionados:
The Ventures & Los Straitjackets are planning the vacation of a
lifetime for
the guitar instrumental fan. After playing a memorable gig together in
Seattle, the two bands have come up with an idea. What about taking a
with their biggest fans & friends. Every night the two bands could
together, and all day everyone could soak up the sun, and engage in
everything that is included in a first-class cruise line.
In order to make this the best possible experience, we wanted to make
we plan this well in advance. Right now, we are targeting February of
The (very rough) details are as follows:
-- A 4 day cruise from Los Angeles to Baja Mexico
-- Performances every night from Los Straitjackets & The Ventures
-- additional activities with the bands
-- meals, cabin, and all perks of a regular cruise.
The price is not yet certain, but it will be comparable to what a
line usually charges for this sort of package (around $500 or so per
person). Price Factors include: single or double occupancy, inside or
outside cabin etc.
Anyway, right now we'd like to gauge your interest in this Rock & Roll
Vacation idea. Please respond to the following address
if you are SERIOUSLY interested in coming on the cruise. We'd like to
get an
initial count, so we can start negotiating with the Cruise lines.
don't respond to tell us you'd LIKE to come but you CAN'T.
The Ventures & Los Straitjackets
To Respond to lsjunkmail please write
