Does anyone actually use a Fender Bassman for bass anymore? As I'm going
thru band's web pages I see that mainly guitar players use Bassmans. So,
then, what's a good amp for bass?
When it comes to bass, fender makes great basses, but
their amps suck.(at least the old ones - I'm
anti-NEWGEAR, I think there are enough instruments and
amps already built for anyone who wants one - Unless
of course they're making something new then its OK . .
. I guess.)
Ampeg SVT sounds killer with an 8X10. Its tube. Its
loud. Its really, really loud. Its tight. Its warm.
It hurts your chest when you crank it. Good gig amp.
Try a traynor if you can't afford ampeg. I don't know
which model, but a bassist friend of mine swears by
his. Also if you just want something that sounds good
and volume isn't important, try an ampeg B-15. I
think they're like 25 or 50 watts, a pretty wimpy rig
if you ask me, but they sure sound good. They
re-issued a 100 watt one I think, but if you're gonna
get that, you might as well shell-out for an SVT. I
think my bro got his B-15 with a 2X15 for arround 400
bucks!!! I guess low watt tube bass amps aren't in
demand. But I have to say, if you try an SVT you'll
want one. Mesa makes a cool amp called a 400+ if the
earth shaking 300 watts of SVT isn't loud enough,
maybe 500 Mesa Watts will do the trick?
As far as bassmans go (I'm assuming your talking about
the head/cab, 70's and earlier models like the
bassman, bassman 70/100, etc.) don't buy one unless
you're gonna play guitar through it, or record with
it. The 4X10 bassman combos sound great for guitar,
but you can only turn bass up to about 2 before it
turns to shit. They just aren't powerful enough to
keep up with a guitar through a Fender amp.
Does anyone know if fender made a bass amp that can
keep up with a Showman or a Twin? Doesn't seem
rational to me that the guitar amps would be 4 times
as loud as the bass amps. My old bassist ran a
bassman 100 and it sounded OK, until he replaced it
with an ampeg. I had no idea the fender bassman was
such a wimp till he got an SVT.
--- Phil Kucer <> wrote:
> Does anyone actually use a Fender Bassman for bass
> anymore? As I'm going
> thru band's web pages I see that mainly guitar
> players use Bassmans. So,
> then, what's a good amp for bass?
> Phil
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I beg to differ. To keep up with a showman simply use a showman for bass,
just load the fender bassman 2-15 cab w/ JBL D140'S instead of D130'S and
you'll push enough air to wobble your knees!! This coming from a guy who
plays that setup with an old punker who happens to play guitar through his
showman nice and loud.
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My bass player ran a Bassman 100 through a sun 2X15
and we didn't experience anything knee wobbling.
Probably could have used a better cab, but I'm telling
you Fender is not where its at for bass amps. Not
even close. Saw X a couple months ago, John Doe used
a Mesa 400+ with an 8X10 and a 4X10. Just about
knocked me over when he started to play. And it
wasn't distorted at all. Loud and clear . . . the
bass was comin' through. Not a terribly expensive rig
either, don't know what kind of cabs he was running
though. Afterall, the guys gotta keep up with Billy
Zoom and his custom Zoom amps (ridiculously loud . .
beyond the point of reason). Just my opinion, but
I've never seen or heard a Fender come close. I also
didn't realize a showman could work well as a bass amp
. . . shows what I know.
--- newfy surfer <> wrote:
> I beg to differ. To keep up with a showman simply
> use a showman for bass,
> just load the fender bassman 2-15 cab w/ JBL D140'S
> instead of D130'S and
> you'll push enough air to wobble your knees!! This
> coming from a guy who
> plays that setup with an old punker who happens to
> play guitar through his
> showman nice and loud.
> Shawn-
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