There's very detailed information on how pro-composers
go a about composing, and all other aspects also
touching songwriting, in this book I have, which is
Music The Sound and The Extasy.
Some try to avoid the jamming way of finding ideas,
because it is too close to the instrument you are
using, and your everyday habits of practise and
Others have no problem with this approach.
I used to go that route very early on, too. But later
started to make a concept of the song, incorporating
all my latest ideas, or at least 2 or three of them.
Like, a flamenco or lating scale would give the tune a
proude, matador type feel. Then I might decide on a
rhythm i have never used before. A new sound thats
adds charme to a little lick. All kinds of stuff.
It all falls together in more than half the tunes I
attaempt to create.
I often realize that something that sounds rather
advanced played on keys like wurlitzer or hammond,
sounds very common on guitar. And its almost always
more easy to transpose to guitar from keys, than i
initially thought it would be.
Its a good thing to record something early. Add a
little bit to it and then go back the next day and
decide if its worth something.
I used to go a week without playing a new melody to
see if I would forget it. If I did, it wasnt a number
one hit anyway.
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