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Stories with tag: "surf-lists"

Voting has started for North Sea Surf Radio´s Album Top 101

North Sea Surf Radio was already doing groundbreaking work with compiling and broadcasting the Classic Surf Top 101 and the Surf Revival Top 101. Now, for the first time in history the surf music scene is to compile another ultimate list in surf music; The Album Top 101, the best 101 Surf Revival Albums as voted for by the listeners of North Sea Surf Radio and the members of the Surf Guitar 101 forum.

Everybody can submit their 10 personal favourite albums from the Surf Revival Era (1979-2013). Records released this year are excluded from the list. With all the contributions the team at North Sea Surf Radio will compile the Album Top 101 which will be broadcasted on April 20th, presented by DJ Jonpaul (Surf Guitar 101) and DJ Phantom (North Sea Surf Radio).

People can help decide what the best instrumental surf music albums of all time are by adding their Top 10 to the Surf Guitar 101 forum in the following thread.

Another option to submit votes it to send an email with name, country and the Album Top 10 list to

The deadline for submissions is Friday 11th April.

Please note: 

  • Albums are releases with at least 5 different tracks or over 25 minutes of music.
  • NO 2014 albums allowed.
  • NO "Best Of" albums allowed.
  • NO Various Artist compilation albums allowed.
  • NO Single Artist compilation albums allowed (b-sides, single collections etc.)
  • If an album contains some vocal tracks this is not a problem as long as the majority of tracks are instrumentals.
  • The order of the albums DOES matter, the number 1 will receive the most points in the Top 101, your number 10 will receive the least points.

Classic Surf Top 101 & Surf Revival Top 101 on North Sea Surf Radio


For the first time in history the surf music scene is to compile two ultimate lists in surf music; The Classic Surf Top 101 & The Surf Revival Top 101, the 202 best tracks in instrumental surf music as voted for by the listeners of North Sea Surf Radio and the members of the Surf Guitar 101 forum.

Starting today everybody can submit their 10 personal favourites from the 60´s and their 10 personal favourites from the the Surf Revivals. With all the contributions the team at North Sea Surf Radio will compile the two lists that will be broadcasted on December 27th, presented by DJ Jonpaul (Surf Guitar 101) and DJ Phantom (North Sea Surf Radio).

People can help decide what the best instrumental surf music tracks of all time are by adding their Top 10´s to the Surf Guitar 101 forum in the following threads:

  1. Classic Surf Top 101 
  2. Surf Revival Top 101

Another option to submit votes it to send an email with name, country and the two Top 10 lists to

The deadline for submissions is Friday, 13th December.