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Stories with tag: "no-smoking-on-board"

No Smoking on Board - Portuguese surf band

When I read the name I didn´t figure it to be a name for a surf band.

When I read the label for their debut cd "Reverb or Bust" it became interesting and the name of the cd "Boards and Bikinis" was most promising.

The cd was recorded in Porto - Portugal in May 2011 and released in 2012.

It´s a combination of instrumentals and vocals, some covers and many own songs.

Bikini Drag (Pyramids), Run Mustang Run (own), 10 Waves of Bad Surf (own) and "The Sound of the Surf Guitar (adaption of Dick Dale´s King of the Surf Guitar) are my picks.

Shark Reef and The Haunted Wind can be heard or seen on their homepage:

If you listen carefully you´ll hear licks by The Fendermen, Trashmen etc. The vocals remind me of Walter Egan´s group  The Malibooz.

Nice beach rock - pop and surf from Southern Europe!!
