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Stories with tag: "mp3comp"

2015 MP3 compilation now on

Hey everyone! I've just finished uploading this year's MP3 compilation to Please spread the word and share the link. You can download all the files in a few different formats as well as stream the individual songs.

SG101 2015 MP3 Compilation on Archive dot org

If you'd like to contribute some album artwork, or you've spotted a mistake, please leave me a note in the comments.

Finally, if you enjoy the service provides, please consider giving them a donation. They provide a valuable service and have a vast treasure trove of information, books, music, audio collections, and so much more, all for free!

Thanks to everyone who participated in this year's compilation and Happy New Year!

Announcing the 2015 SG101 MP3 Compilation!

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2015 MP3 Compilation! Our 11th one! Just like before, this is a way for members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:

  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Saturday, December 19th, 2015.

I have created an Official 2015 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the Internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014.

2014 MP3 compilation now on

This year's mp3 compilation is now completed. Thanks to everyone who contributed! Just like in prior years I have placed a copy on for easier access. You can stream or download the entire collection here: 2014 MP3 Compilation on

Enjoy! Happy Holidays!

Announcing the 2014 SG101 MP3 Compilation!

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2014 MP3 Compilation! Our 10th one! Just like before, this is a way for members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:

  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Saturday, December 20th, 2014.

I have created an Official 2014 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the Internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013.

2013 MP3 compilation now on

This year's mp3 compilation is now completed, and what a collection! Just like in prior years I have placed a copy on for easier access. You can stream or download the entire collection here: 2013 MP3 Collection on

This year's collection is dedicated to our friend George "Kenposurf" Boccanfuso. We love you George!

Announcing the 2013 SG101 MP3 Compilation!

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2013 MP3 Compilation! Our 9th one! Just like before, this is a way for members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:

  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Saturday, December 21st, 2013.

I have created an Official 2013 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012.

2012 MP3 Compilation is now on

I'm pleased to announce that the SG101 2012 MP3 compilation is now available on By uploading our collection to we are sharing our little comp with a much wider audience. Several tracks in the past have been used in independent films and videos. In addition we get a nice convenient place to download all the tracks at once in a .zip archive. You can also stream the tracks using the Javascript player or download as a torrent. Please spread the word and share this link.

Thanks to everyone who contributed this year! 

Please consider donating to for providing this nifty service and for everything else they do!


Announcing the 2012 SG101 MP3 Compilation

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2012 MP3 Compilation! Our 8th one! Just like before, this is a way for members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:

  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Saturday, December 15th, 2012.

I have created an Official 2012 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011.


SG101 2011 MP3 Compilation Now Available on

Our 2011 MP3 compilation has just completed, and for your convenience it has been uploaded to 2011 MP3 Compilation @

Once again, this compilation was done just for fun, and the contributors range from bedroom players to gigging musicians. This was an opportunity to share music, recording tips, and do something cool together. has been a nice home for our compilations. It provides a nice web based player, and a way to download all the files as one big .zip file. It is also a good way for music video and film producers to find the music. If you appreciate all the great things provides, please consider making a donation

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to the compilation. We had a strong showing this year with 34 entries. Please check the forums, it is likely we will schedule an IRC listening party sometime in the near future.


Announcing the SG101 2011 MP3 Compilation!

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2011 MP3 Compilation! Our 7th one! Just like before, this is a way for members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:

  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Saturday, December 17th, 2011.

I have created an Official 2011 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010.
