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David Marks Guitar Clinic & Show in Hawthorne, CA, July 16

Original Beach Boys guitarist, David Marks, is partnering with the newly-formed Hawthorne Historical Society to promote that local 1960's guitar sound as a legitimate part of the city's history and culture.

David feels like the authenticity of their original guitar sound got lost a bit as the Beach Boys evolved into a more vocal-oriented band and he wants to get back to the original style and techniques they came up with as kids. This is his way of honoring his partner, Carl Wilson, and their first mentor John Walker's memory and it's the historical society's way to preserve their history, so its a great partnership.

As part of the "Good Neighbors Day" event on July 16th, David will be conducting a full-day guitar clinic in the Hawthorne High music room where he will demonstrate chord progressions, authentic rhythm techniques & lead figures as they were originally recorded. Participants are encouraged to bring their (unplugged) electric guitars to play along so they can get a better feel for the parts. Or, you can just observe. He will hit 3 areas: surf & car songs, ballads and instrumentals.

That evening, David and the Surf City All Stars will preform on the Hawthorne High football field at 7 pm. Tickets are going towards the establishment of the first Hawthorne Museum. David's goal to establish a permanent Surf Guitar program in Hawthorne.

Tickets are at: and clinic information and registration forms be found on: