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June 22 Surfin' Sundays HBISM Show


Date: Sunday June 22nd, 2014 Time: 1:00 Pm to 4:00 Pm
Location: Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum 411 Olive Ave Huntington Beach 92648 SURF CITY USA

This concert is dedicated in memory of Scotty Miller, Surfin’ Sundays Committee Chairman Linda Miller and her husband/HBISM volunteer John. Scotty loved life, HBISM and surf music. R. I. P son you are sorely missed by all who knew and loved you. June 30th marks the 12th Anniversary of his passing to eternal life.


HBISM presents “Century of Stoke” Exhibit Grand Opening in celebration of “100 Years of Surfing” in Huntington Beach. Come visit the newly renovated museum and check out all the new and exciting exhibits that the museum directors have put together for educational purposes and your enjoyment.


The Nocturnes are one of the top show bands of the early 60’s, known for their versatility in playing styles ranging from surf to blues. Currently they play cover songs for such known artists as Dick Dale, Jan & Dean, The Beach Boys, The Eagles, Journey, The Blues Brothers and numerous rock n roll legends. They appeared at all the major showrooms of the 60’s era including the Rendezvous Ballroom, Revelaire Ballroom, Disneyland and numerous dance shows. They are a 5 member group that plays music inspired by the Southern California lifestyle. In 2004 The Nocturnes were named “Best Beach & Surf Band” at The Galaxy Theater during the Orange County Music Awards. They have graced the museum stage during the exhibit grand openings for the past 8 years accommodating such legends as Dick Dale, Dean Torrence & Beach Boys Chris Farmer who’ve appeared with them.

Surfin’ Sundays are sponsored by The City Of HB, The Vendors At Pier Plaza,, HB Downtown Art Walk, IHOP HB, UPS Store Downtown HB, Fred’s Mexican Café HB, Banzai Bowl HB, Main St Wine Company HB,, Duke’s HB, Sandy’s Beach Grill HB, Aloha Grill HB, BJ’s Restaurant, Boat House Bar & Grill, Enlarge Media Group, Blue Water Pedicab & Dirty Dog Wash.

If you are interested in supporting our educational programs and events, sponsorships and HBISM memberships are currently available. For more information please contact HBISM Director At Large Cindy Cross 714-960-3483

Vendor & band merchandise will be available during this concert!!!

We invite you to join in celebration of 18 years of great music, from dedicated musicians who donate their precious time in support of the museum. Our concert lineup features oldies but goodies, promising newcomers, bands from around the world as well as legends such as Dick Dale, Dean Torrence, Bob Spickard, John Blair & Davie Allen who just happen to drop by from time to time.

Don’t forget to bring your hats and sunscreen to protect you against the elements.

HBISM Phone: 714-960-3483 Website for the complete schedule and information.

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