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New Surf Band in Puerto Rico

They still don't have a band name but they have 3 more local gigs coming up. This new local Surf Band from the island of Puerto Rico made their debut on a local school music concert after opening the act with a medley of The Surfaris classic "Wipeout" and the original Batman Theme Song. This young boys don't Surf but their Reverb is on as they will continue their journey as a Surf Rock and Indie Rock band. 

If you want to listen to some of their songs here are the links: 



This story has 2 comments.


KELP out of Santa Barbara does a Wipeout/Batman song called "Bat-Wipe". It's basically the Batman theme played in the style of Wipe-Out as they note progression is the same in reverse.

Todd_Kelp | 29-Mar-2013 13:03:59 | Flag

Cool Todd. We were gonna do only Wipeout but a Jazz musician told us that we can mix it with the Batman song.

JavierTorres | 29-Mar-2013 17:02:40 | Flag

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