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Surfabilly Freakout Radio presents: Throttlebilly Beach Riot!

Throttlebilly Beach Riot CD Cover

Surfabilly Freakout Radio hit the airwaves in May of 2006 on WPGU 107.1 FM in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.  The show features surf, garage, psychobilly, rockabilly, and spaghetti western music performed (mostly) by modern bands.    The CD is high-energy from start to finish with a sound reflective of the radio show.  The fantastic band line-up includes The Cocktail Preachers, The Madeira, The Coffin Daggers, The Nebulas, 9th Wave, Daikaiju, The Creepy Creeps, Go! Tsunami, The Men from S.P.E.C.T.R.E., the Mutants, The Heavies, Knuckel Drager, The Love Me Nots, The Brains, The Koffin Kats, the Krank Daddies, The Phantom Jets, The Phenomenauts & Vegas 66!

A full track listing a purchase information can be found here:

Surfabilly Freakout Radio is definitely about the music, but it was apparent early-on that there would be more... this part that we refer to as "Jackassery, Tom Foolery and Damn Fool Boobery."  "Freakout Studios" (WPGU FM) has six microphones and the original DJs (Jet Sterling and Reverend Chuck Allen) were soon joined by a large cast of characters. Today, there is rarely a show when all six aren't in use (and often, there are more DJs than mics).  The DJ crew, which grew early-on to include Chelsea Bandita, Koffin Keith, Motorhead Mike and the Director of Awesome expanded into booking and promoting live shows in Champaign-Urbana... often recruiting new DJs out of the crowd.  Local gigs led to remote DJ/MC gigs as well as providing organizational assistance at surf, Tiki and hot rod events throughout the Midwest and on the East Coast.

For a raucous selection of surf, garage and 'billy, check out "Throttlebilly Beach Riot!".  We hope you dig it!

This story has 1 comment.


well, ain't this a beaut! i find the best time to listen to this CD is early in the shower or late at night... and many times in between. what do you think?

bandita | 16-Jan-2013 19:56:09 | Flag

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