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Announcing Winter Surf Fest 2013 in Los Alamitos, CA

One of the Most Important Surf Music Events of the Year!

Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Starting Gate
5052 Katella Ave.,
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
$20 Admission

Summer really is a state of mind, especially during the cold months in Southern California. Nothing can prove it more than the right live musical soundtrack. For many fans the world over, this soundtrack is Surf Music, the instrumental genre created in the early 60ʻs by legendary bands such as The Belairs and Eddie & The Showmen. Helping to keep this instro torch alive and well are the members of the online forum, who have put together some of the most significant live Surf Music events in recent years. The 2nd annual Winter Surf Fest will continue along these lines, featuring an entire day of the reverb-drenched goodness, complete with rare tribute and reunion performances, and the US public debut screening of the new Surf Music documentary film Reverb Junkies. This special Sunday event coincides with one of the most important music weekends in Southern California that includes Deke Dickersonʼs Guitar Geek Festival and the NAMM trade show in Anaheim, and the So Cal World Guitar Show at the Orange County Fairgrounds.

2nd Annual Winter Surf Fest Highlights:

  • A very special US public debut screening of the brand-new Surf Music documentary film Reverb Junkies at 10AM, with the filmmakers present. DVDs of the film will be available for purchase.
  • A tribute performance by John Blair (Jon & The Nightriders), Dick Dodd (The Belairs, Eddie & The Showmen, The Standells), Jim Frias (The Nocturnes) with High Tide, to the great Surf Guitar pioneer Eddie Bertrand (The Belairs, Eddie & The Showmen), who recently passed away
  • A Rare Belairs reunion performance featuring original members Paul Johnson, Dick Dodd, and Jimmy Roberts with special guests
  • A rare Southern California performance by modern Bay Area Surf masters The TomorrowMen
  • A performance by Surf/Garage/Frat band extraordinaire The Volcanics
  • A performance by San Pedro traditional surf maestros The Riptides
  • A performance by Southern California 60s tribute band Banned From the Beach


This story has 5 comments.


Thanks to Jonpaul for the Press release.
thanks to Brian for putting this on the front page.
and thanks to all of the band playing, hope to see some SG101ers there.

bigtikidude | 06-Jan-2013 19:03:53 | Flag

I will go to see this show from Japan.

Shut_Down_Eddie | 08-Jan-2013 11:06:52 | Flag

How much i would like to see this!!!!

surferjoemusic | 08-Jan-2013 18:27:24 | Flag

Summer is a state of mind. That's why I like to watch The Endless Summer and the other surf movies this time of year. I haven't seen grass since Christmas, the driveway is still under frozen snow and we're getting a lot more snow soon too. The ski resorts are filled with happy skiers and snow boarders.

Me? I wish I could be there with you all. Have a wonderful time. Videos would be nice.

Noel | 09-Jan-2013 18:15:16 | Flag

This Years winter Surf Fest is Dedicated to the Memory of Eddie Bertrand.

here is the line up times.
and other info.

8am,doors open for Breakfast.
10am Reverb Junkies US debut
12pm The Tomorrowmen (from Bay area)
1pm Banned from the Beach
2pm BelAirs re-union
3pm Eddie and the Showmen Tribute
4pm The Riptides
5pm The Volcanics

all ages
20 dollars for 12 and up
kids under 12 free

Raffle tix for t-shirts and cds
$2 each or 3 tix for $5

bigtikidude | 22-Jan-2013 23:41:52 | Flag

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