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Martin Cilia's Pre-Summer Beach party in Hobart, Tasmania

Pre Summer Beach Party featuring Martin Cilia and The Sin & Tonics @ The Brisbane Hotel
Get your tickets here->

Martin Cilia is Australia's premier surf rock guitarist and also long time member of legendary Australian band, The Atlantics. He's taking the sounds of summer to Hobart for a pre summer beach party with the Sin & Tonics.

"Martin has been championing the surf sound down under as lead guitarist for the great Aussie surf band, THE ATLANTICS, and he is clearly one of the best $#&%*! surf guitarists to be found anywhere."
Paul Johnson, The Surfaris (writer of Mr Moto)

In live performance Martin and his band draw songs from the Atlantics repertoire, including the classic "Bombora" as well as classics such as Pipeline, Miserlou, Wipe Out, Walk Don't Run.

Supported by the Sin & Tonics and King Shark.

The Sin & Tonics

This Tasmanian Three Piece act has been building momentum since 2009 with their first nine track release “Happy Hour” - a total self-produced mini album which received praise Australia wide. The band prides itself on its open-minded approach to both sound and performance. The Sin & Tonics are the sort of band that can and does play alongside punk bands, swing bands, country, psychobilly and Rockabilly acts, blending well but still standing apart.


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