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Sinuous Guitars

Please check out to see guitars I build that make great surf rock guitars.  I will also gladly give artist discounts.

If anyone has some input on what they would like to see in a modern surf guitar I would love to hear it. 



This story has 2 comments.


The following is just my opnion.

Beautiful work. You clearly make beautiful guitars.

There are lots of different surf sounds and styles, but they are more similar than different. Not everyone plays surf with some kind of tremolo system, but most do. And not everyone plays surf with single-coils of some sort, but most do.

I especially like the body contour. And the red SD-22 is especially gorgeous. It seems it might be possible to install a floating tremolo bridge like a Callaham. And P90s or Jazzmaster pickups would probably swap right in place. Duncan makes some nice ones too.

I believe these changes would broaden the appeal of your guitars for surf guitarists. And maybe some kind of surfy blue or green would only add to the appeal.

All the best.

Noel | 21-Jul-2012 13:07:27 | Flag

Well said Noel. Greg do your homework Cheers

DannySnyder | 29-Jul-2012 21:34:59 | Flag

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