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"PDX A Go-Go" NEW cd surf comp of Portland current surf bands

PDX A Go-Go... Five bands...ten songs...that preserve a moment in time, the summer of 2012, when instrumental surf music rode the crest of a wave in Portland, OR. Musicians are forming surf bands, several venues are giving these bands a stage and an audience is growing. Duff's Garage, the club that always gave instro surf a home, is ground zero. There's an excitement about the bands and the music. Many different directions are being explored by these bands, proving that a subgenre thought by many to be one-dimensional is anything but.

The Surf Weasels, WaveSauce, Susan SurfTone, The Outer Space Heaters, and Shade 13 offer you a sample of what's going on here on the northern end of the west coast. We hope you enjoy it and that you come to a few shows. Pick up a copy of PDX A Go-Go from any of the bands on the compilation or wait until CDBaby has it in stock (we'll let you know... just check back here in a few weeks.) Tell your friends "there's a party going on here in Portland that you should know about"... come and join us.

This story has 4 comments.


The cover art is so bitchin! I LOVE it!

Pyronauts | 11-Jul-2012 21:31:13 | Flag

This makes me very happy, being in Portland and all. Nice job, Kyle. See ya at Duff's.

homerhead | 13-Jul-2012 00:21:11 | Flag

Who does Space Cowboy, the preview is pretty cool?

DannySnyder | 15-Jul-2012 21:51:22 | Flag
JONPAUL | 18-Jul-2012 15:53:10 | Flag

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