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Wrecking Crew Film in Alameda June 23

The San Francisco section of the Audio Engineering Society presents The Wrecking Crew Film. This is a one-day only opportunity to see this unreleased film, which includes interivews with Brian Wilson, Nancy Sinatra, Glen Campbell, and many other musicians behind the hits of the 60s and 70s.

Q&A with Producer/Director Denny Tedesco, son of Wrecking Crew guitarist, Tommy Tedesco, immediately follows each showing.

This film has not yet had a commercial release and is not available on DVD. These are the only showings scheduled in Northern California.

Because of the large collection of songs in the film, paying off the music licensing has held up the commercial release. As part of the fundraising campaign, proceeds from this showing will go to the International Documentary Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit, for the Wrecking Crew film song licensing fees.

Advance tickets are:  

$12 for AES members  $15 for general public
$20 at the door, if available

Tickets available here.

Two show times: 2:30 pm and 7:00 pm

This is at the private Auctions By the Bay Theater, on the former naval base, with plenty of free parking, and just a few blocks from the Alameda ferry terminal. It was the old movie house, transformed into an art deco movie palace and only used for special events.

Wrecking Crew Filmmaker Denny Tedesco with his father, Guitarist Tommy Tedesco

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