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The UK doesn't have much of a surf scene, unless somebody wants to put me right on that. So here's our contribution.

If there are any surf bands in the UK out there that fancy a double bill, give us a shout!

Surfguitar101 is a great site, BTW. The place to be.

Carlos Calamares 

This story has 8 comments.


There are plenty of UK surf bands. We have three instrumental bands in Brighton and Hove alone!

Be in touch.

djangodeadman | 06-Feb-2012 11:50:11 | Flag

Well if anyone is interested, we’re down* in South Wales, near Cardiff, and our band ‘Marconi Beach Sound’ is our little contribution to the surf music scene...

'*' I still don't know why i want to say 'down', cos it maybe 'up' for some, but 'up' doesn't feel right, so 'down' it is. If you're in CA, well, go round the world, and then its 'down'. Which is a lot less confusing if you ask me. Smile

Welshman | 06-Feb-2012 17:09:25 | Flag

good sounds,
do you guys do any originals?
keep up the good work.

bigtikidude | 08-Feb-2012 11:04:11 | Flag

Hi Djangodeadman,
OK I was attention seeking - I know there are a few, especially on the south coast. Los Fantasticos are the biggest are they not?
My daughter is at Brighton Uni so I will try and find an excuse to visit her when there is a good gig on!

LosCalamares | 13-Feb-2012 13:10:03 | Flag

Bigtikidude - this wistful little tune is an original. This is just a demo recorded at home but you'll get the idea...
Lonely Surf

LosCalamares | 13-Feb-2012 13:12:24 | Flag

I wouldn't say that we are the biggest, Carlos, or that anyone is really all that big! The surf world is rather small, after all.

Do try and get down for a gig some time, though, would be good to meet up.

djangodeadman | 15-Feb-2012 09:06:00 | Flag

We have the Reverb Syndicate, from Canada, coming to play in Brighton on April 5th, of you fancy that.

djangodeadman | 15-Feb-2012 09:25:18 | Flag

Thanks Django. Love to play support to you sometime - we would do it if we could cover the expenses although they can get quite steep on away matches!

LosCalamares | 16-Feb-2012 14:33:09 | Flag

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