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Dick Dale @ The Los Angeles Guitar Festival, July 3

This July 4th weekend, the REAL fireworks show will be at the Los Angeles Guitar Festival! Don’t miss this unprecedented two-day celebration with some of the hottest and most respected acoustic and electric guitar talent on the planet — the only guitar festival named after our city. 

Don't miss "King of the Surf Guitar" Dick Dale in Day Two of the Festival (July 3)!

Tickets on sale nowPromo video

What an honor it is to present this Living Legend! Can't have a legitimate celebration of guitar in Southern California without recognizing the important contributions Mr. Dale has made to guitar history.

This July 4th weekend, the REAL fireworks show will be at the Los Angeles Guitar Festival! Don’t miss this unprecedented two-day celebration with some of the hottest and most respected acoustic and electric guitar talent on the planet — the only guitar festival named after our city. 

Day One (July 2, 7pm): Tommy Emmanuel, Laurence Juber, Cyril Pahinui (Hawaiian slack key), Gonzalo Bergara (gypsy jazz)

Day Two (July 3, 7pm): Jimmie Vaughan, Dick Dale, Bruce Forman (jazz/Cow Bop), Ben Lacy (wicked slapping and fingerstyle player)

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