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New Sandblasters DVD- Live from Texas

Sandblasters - Live From Texas CD Cover Art Live DVD / CD double disc! Instrumental Surf/Spy-Fi/Spaghetti Western/Space Cowboy visionary surf twang. 18 song video/16 song CD collection captures the, raw, live energy of the Sandblasters w/ multiple camera angles in TV studios w/ digital audio.

The long awaited release of "Live from Texas " captures the Sandblasters in high quality video in intimate TV studio settings before live audiences playing the hits from both of their infamous CD releases Space Bar B Q and Cactus Stingray.

Mark Stultz -Guitar, Spencer Clark- Drums, Chris Happel and Drew Schuller on bass. Compiled and produced by Mark Stultz- guitarist/band leader and songwriter for the Sandblasters

Although the Sandblasters are no longer playing live shows, they still keeping the music alive and are still very close friends. There are 12 videos posted on YouTube to enjoy. Mark now lives in Nashville, TN. Mark is still writing and performing both acoustic and electric instrumental music and manages the Sandblasters archives and releases. Spencer and Chris are both actively playing in various bands in Austin, TX and Drew is temporarily living in Honduras.

This story has 1 comment.


I have a rough copy of this, and its great.

now that is edited, it would be a must have.

and then the cd also.

no brainer.

bigtikidude | 24-Jul-2010 01:12:15 | Flag

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