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Mariepalooza - Benefit Concert for Marie - May 30th


Marie is the bar manager for Don The Beachcomber in Sunset Beach Ca, a very surf friendly venue. Marie had a bad car accident a few weeks back and we are putting on this event to raise funds for her.

Save this date: Sun. May 30th 2pm to midnight. Tickets for the big event can be bought here. Here is a list of the bands, and their myspace page to give them a listen.

If you would like to donate to the fund, but cannot attend go here. If you do show up, there will be tons of stuff donated for a raffle, and auction.

We hope some of you can attend. More info to come soon.

This story has 2 comments.


Marie rocks my socks... I mean my fishnets. I'm in!

Necrobella | 25-May-2010 19:18:16 | Flag

whooa, cool!!

bigtikidude | 25-May-2010 22:02:29 | Flag

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