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The Five release Debut/Farewell EP

The Five are pleased to announce the release of their debut/farewell EP!

from the Rock is Dead RIP blog has just reviewed an advance copy of the EP, and wrote: "
Taking parts of the traditional surf/instro realm along side 60's fuzz guitar a la Davie Allan and the Arrows/ Link Wray you get a melting aural assault that few bands as of late truly capture.... My first thought when hearing The Five was that they really must admire Huevos Rancheros,and Ramblin' Ambassadors or maybe even The Blue Stingrays [You know that band that consisted of  Tom Petty's Heartbreakers] Yes folks this EP is that good."

We have set up a page on our website ( where you can pre-order a copy of what we believe to be the first 5-sided EP in music history!


Sides 1 + 2 - are 5 tracks on 7" vinyl
Side 3 - is 10 tracks (including the 5 from the 7") on CD
Side 4 - is sheet music for the unrecorded track 'Murders & Burgers" PLAY IT YOURSELF!
Side 5 - is a selection of mp3 extras for your iPod available via download

All this for an all-up price (incl shipping) of AU$15 if you live in Australia or AU$17.50 if you don't!

If you would like to try-before-yo-buy, just head over to to stream the 5 tracks from the vinyl EP.

We should be ready to ship within 2 weeks.

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