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Surf Guitar Weekend in Santa Cruz..etc...

Is anybody planning on going to Brookdale outside of Santa Cruz this weekend? Well...if you are then you're in for a treat. No, this isn't just another reminder about the show with The Ventures guitarist Nokie Edwards on March 21st with Robbie Allen's band, and The Reefriders. Actually...

The Shitones will also be performing this Friday, March 20th at The Brookdale Inn. An arrangement is being made so that guests who attended the Shitones show will get $3.00 off on their admission the next night with Nokie Edwards. (Sorry, discount does not apply to Surfguitar101 members who already purchased their tickets in advance using the coupon code.)

For those of you in the Sacramento area who can't make it down for the weekend's activites, Robbie Allen and the Sundogs will be playing at Constable Jacks in Newcastle, CA Friday night at 9:00 PM. As a result, if you are planning on going to the Brookdale show and can make it out to Robbie Allen and his band's gig in Newcastle, then you'll also recieve the $3.00 discount when you attend Nokie's show at the Brookdale Inn.

(916) 760-8560

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