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A surf bands chance at getting signed to a record label

The Retroactive Gamma Rays have been selected as one of the final bands to make it onto The Union Records artist catalogue. A few months ago they submitted their sonicbids (holy crap it works!) EPK to The Union Records and they were selected to take part in The Union Records Roster Challenge. The Challenge works by votes. A fan can vote from their computer once a day from July 17th to July 24th.

The Retroactive Gamma Rays are asking their surf community to take a minute out of their day to vote for a fellow surf band/surf music fan. It's not often a surf band has a chance to be signed to a record label. Please show your support for Retroactive Gamma Rays and surf music in general, as they go up against alternative bands w/ lyrics (gasp!).

Thank you for your support and don't forget to take a minute every day for the next week and vote for Retroactive Gamma Rays! Remember, if you have more than one computer you can vote from all of them. Also, tell your friends! Please click the link below to vote.


This story has 1 comment.


I voted, but that other band has a serious lead on you. Come on surf fans - unite!

DannySnyder | 17-Jul-2008 20:50:59 | Flag

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