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The Penetrators: ''Declassified'' DVD

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Press Release

From: S3 HQ & Double Crown Records
Re: Declassified release date
For Immediate Release

On May 13th 2008, the long awaited DVD from The Penetrators entitled "Declassified" will be available for purchase on line at and "Declassified" features 15 live performances in addition to the video for "Redlined" shot by Paul Mayne and a new video for "The Southern Surf Syndicate Theme"
and more! The retail price has been set at $14.95 plus shipping.

Bonus features include the animated short, "Stuntmasters: Jawbone Gorge." Created in 2000 by Rip Thrillby (027) (under the pseudo-name "Scott Rogers") along with his business partner @ Bill McIntyre. It has remained unreleased until now. An alternate audio track with commentary by Sticks Stechkin (013), Trace Luger (017) and Spanky Twangler (023) is also included in addition to liner notes composed by music journalist Gregory Nicoll.
May 13th seems a very appropriate release date as it is coincidentally drummer Sticks Stechkin's (013) Syndicate number. According to Spanky Twangler (023) who edited the project, "Without Stick's metronome like timing, many of the edits would not have been possible and this might have become a very boring presentation visually speaking."

May 13th is also 2 days removed from the dubious 5 year anniversary of Rip Thrillby's departure from this earth (May 11th, 2003). This DVD was compiled in a very large part as an effort to preserve his memory and contribution to Surf Music's 3rd wave as one of the driving, creative forces of The Penetrators. All of the DVD's menu artwork was adapted from a redesign Rip had been working on for The Penetrators web site. Taking into account the music, the art work, plus the humor in the "Stuntmasters" video, The Syndicate feels this is a fitting (albeit incomplete) tribute to several of the complexities of Rip Thrillby (027).

A sneak peak of "Declassified" can be viewed at

The Penetrators first performance in support of "Declassified" will be on May 30th at the 3rd Annual Clarkston Surf Music Fest located just outside Atlanta GA.

1:33:1 ratio. Running time approximately 66 minutes.


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