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Squad Car - Eddie & The Showmen

Here is some tab for Squad Car that I did a looong time ago. Thor from Monsters from Mars provided some help. Enjoy. Comments and corrections welcome.
Song:    Squad Car
Artist: Eddie & The Showmen
Album: "Toes on the Nose" - 32 Surf Age Instrumentals
Compilation Disc (Ace Records, UK)

Tabbed by Brian Neal - 4-March-2002

Squad Car was written by Paul Johnson of the Belairs.
(the Mr. Moto guys). Later, co-guitarist Eddie Bertrand
left the band to form Eddie & The Showmen, and they recorded
Squad Car along with several singles for the Liberty label.

Revision History:
26-March-2002 Thanks to Thor ( for some corrections
for the part leading up to the chorus.

Main Verse:







Repeat verse.

Extended Chorus:





This story has 2 comments.


Splendid!! thanks alot!=)

Serpico | 22-Apr-2008 18:35:22 | Flag

Does someone want to post the chords? Smile

Brian | 23-Apr-2008 08:18:55 | Flag

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