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Join The 'Verb For Christmas Cheer

Join the 'Verb with the Mercury Four and Lushy for an evening of Christmas celebration on Saturday December 22nd at 9pm. The cost is $5, the show is 21+ and the location is the Nectar in the Fremont Neighborhood of Seattle.

This story has 3 comments.


sounds like a great event,

please give us a report on the whole thing,

plus how Lushy was Smile


bigtikidude | 12-Dec-2007 21:11:26 | Flag

So, Lushy is known to you? Awesome. We actually haven't heard of them before but we were told they are a good draw so we decided to play the show.

JakeDobner | 13-Dec-2007 23:51:07 | Flag

I have only heard a few songs by them.

I need to pick up their cds.

they are in the Lounge vein of music I believe.

bigtikidude | 17-Dec-2007 15:09:31 | Flag

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