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New Satan's Pilgrims T-shirts for Sale!!!!

Help us recover from near bankruptcy caused by our recent shows in Vegas and LA!

These are brand new, 3 color design, t-shirts with artwork done by PDX poster artist Mike King. It was originally used for a poster for a New Years show in 1996 (I think). This is a brand new shirt, never before available.

We have listened to YOU, the SG101 community and tried to give you what you demand! Our fans come in all shapes and sizes and want to look their best, so we have made S,M,L (pictured here) all on the small side. The XL and XXL, however, run big and are not as "form fitting" Wink . The XL and XXL are also not "heathered" like the one pictured, meaning they are a pure, deep color without the faded look.

$22 includes shipping. Don't forget to let me know if you need me to throw in a live DVD or Best of cd for the same shipping (total price will be adjusted based on the order). The paypal address is now
Ted Pilgrim
PS We didn't gamble the band money, I swear.
PPS Read more to see the shirt design.

This story has 5 comments.


We also now have women's Smalls for BTD.

spskins | 17-Aug-2007 15:42:31 | Flag

Goodbye money hello t-shirt. That is nearly 3 hours of work for me, all for a good cause.

The shirt looks really amazing.

JakeDobner | 17-Aug-2007 22:41:39 | Flag


Brian | 19-Aug-2007 12:43:25 | Flag

Playing surf music sometimes it takes a lot longer than 3 hours to make $22! But it's worth it.

Pyronauts | 20-Aug-2007 16:10:59 | Flag

Can I get a rim shot form the drummer please.

I wore my shirt out to the Baja Cantina a few weeks back.

XXL baby gotta love it.


bigtikidude | 21-Aug-2007 12:34:03 | Flag

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