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Announcing Surf Nights on the Oregon Coast

Surf bands are always looking for one more friendly venue to share their love of the genre. A new bar on the Oregon Coast is the latest such venue. Aunt Mary's Toaster Bistro, in Lincoln City, has announced they would like to have a Surf Night once every other month starting in October. Any local Oregon bands or surf bands traveling through Oregon are welcome to play a Surf Night at Aunt Mary's. There is a possibility that Surf Nights at Aunt Mary's could become a monthly event. The key factor being how many surf bands are interested in playing on the coast.
If you are planning a tour that brings you through Oregon, or your an Oregon band and you are interested in playing at Aunt Mary's there are just a few things to remember:
  1. Surf Nights will be every other month
  2. Shows will be on either Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights
  3. Bands will be paid with ALL of the door money, bands well be fed and you get all the PBR you can drink!
Our band has played this venue a number of times, The owner is real nice, She is a wonderful cook and she advertises all her shows very well. It is a very unique venue and the crowds are always friendly. I am running Surf Nights for Aunt Mary's toaster Bistro. If you are interested in playing just get a hold of me here on surfguitar101 or on myspace under retroactivegammarays. I hope to set up a lot of shows for Aunt Mary's with you're help.

This story has 3 comments.


We have taken interest in these shows, and will be there October 13th. Hope to see many others there as well

MightySurfLords | 16-Aug-2007 09:30:17 | Flag

We are looking for one more band to join Retroactive Gamma Rays and The Mighty Surf Lords at the inaugural Oregon Coast Surf Night on Oct. 19th @ Aunt Mary's in Lincoln City.

Retroactive_Taj | 05-Sep-2007 10:50:46 | Flag

The first Oregon Coast Surf Night is set! We have Lincoln City's own Retroactive Gamma Rays, Reno's The Mighty Surf Lords and Portlands rockabilly combo Juke Joint Gamblers. This should be a great kick off show for O.C.S.N.!

If you want to spend the weekend on the coast Oct. 19th-21st come to Lincoln City for great surf and rockabilly music @ The Filthy.

Retroactive_Taj | 25-Sep-2007 15:39:47 | Flag

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