Martin Cilia, the lead guitar player in the current lineup of The Atlantics (the ground breaking first wave Australian band) has a new album called "Revenge of The Surf Guitar". Check out his
myspace page to listen to some tracks and purchase the CD.
From his
myspace page:
"1963 was a big year for instrumental guitar music, particularly surf music. This was the year that found Pipeline by The Chanteys, Wipeout by The Surfaris, Bombora by The Atlantics, Dance On & Foot Tapper by The Shadows all on the "hit parade".
This was popular music. That was until The Beatles arrived. However, I’ve always loved the sound of the surf guitar and this is my tribute to that music.
The guitars and amps I used on this recording were a 1963 Fender Jaguar (black), a 1963 Fender Stratocaster (candy apple red), a 1963 Fender Vibroverb (2 x 10" speakers) and a 1963 Fender Outboard Reverb Tank. All of these instruments just happen to be from 1963. This was not planned. It just worked out that way because they all had a unique sound that attracted me to them. I played the Fender Jaguar on 95% of this CD. This is the first time that I had played a Jaguar and discovered an amazing sound.
So here is a little 1963 "Revenge of the Surf Guitar". I hope you enjoy what you hear."
Very cool info, how do we get ahold of the cd?
This is so cool! And the option of buying the cd 'with' a backing track cd!!! Awesome
Jeff, Paypal options are on the myspace page provided.
Ordered mine. Thanks Martin
You can buy it off the MySpace page - http://www.myspace.com/rotsg [www.myspace.com].
what is paypal( joking here)
I really need to get in the 2oth century and get a credit card.
Martin plays with current incarnation of The Atlantics; he wrote all of the more modern recordings done by the band and also tabbed out the lead guitar parts and released one of the Atlantic albums with just the backing tracks, so that others could learn them too. I wrote to thank him, and he sent me some Atlantics stuff ... signed my CDs and sent some picks. Nice guy! I think this new stuff sounds even better because the Jag and vintage gear makes it sound much more "Surfy" IMHO. I encourage everyone to support Martin, he seems like a true believer.
'63 Vibroverb... Jesus. If the '63 has a matching headstock this might be one of the most expensive two guitars and amp surf rigs out there barring any collection with a '57 strat.