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Exciting news from Lava Land!

Hey folks, you've heard the talk, you've read the rumors, you've probably yawned my antics, but here is the word:  The Lava Rats new CD is finally ready!  The album, "Don't Drink the Water" will be arriving at the Rat Cave tomorrow, and we will be sending out the first batch of discs to those who have already pre-ordered. 

If you want to pre-order your very own copy, send me a PM.  We are running an "SG101" special: from now until July 14th, if you order a disc from us, we will waive shipping costs, and you will have a brand new LR CD (and the accompanying pin) in your sweaty little hands for a mere $10. 

The next bit of news that accompanies the release of this disc is as follows:  we will be playing a CD Release Party here in SF some time in late July.  Details on that to follow.  There are confirmed dates for another exciting bit of news:  The Lava Rats Pac NW Invasion!!!!   We will be playing August 10-12 in the Pacific Northwest - Friday the 10th at Rogue Hero in Bellingham, WA with The 'Verb and The All-Nighters (I think I heard something about The 'Verb releasing a new disc somewhere...), and Saturday the 11th at The Green Room in Portland with The 'Verb and The Verbtones. 

We can't wait for you folks to hear (and see) this new disc -- more info and some helpful reviews to come....

This story has 6 comments.


Bill, I can't wait to hear it. I'm really excited to get to play with you guys twice. The Rogue is going to be amazing, assuming our last gig there wasn't a fluke. I doubt it was.

You want helpful reviews? Then I won't do a pitchfork style review for you. (I assume you know what is)

JakeDobner | 27-Jun-2007 22:09:52 | Flag


Tikitena | 28-Jun-2007 18:06:18 | Flag

Good luck with the new CD Bill. I'll pick one up next time I see you play.

DannySnyder | 01-Jul-2007 00:38:16 | Flag

hey can you put me down for a pre-order!?!

CousinBarney | 09-Jul-2007 02:42:18 | Flag


Tikitena | 10-Jul-2007 22:17:10 | Flag

The only thing bad about the CD is the fact it took me almost a month to find out about it. It rips!

So when is the CD release party?

milesgehm | 27-Jul-2007 00:40:01 | Flag

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