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The Pyronauts

The Pyronauts “Surf and Destroy” California Tour:

The Pyronauts are hitting the road and coming to a town near you in California this summer! Along the way they will be performing with many of their friends in the surf community like Pollo Del Mar, The Detonators, The Longboards, The Sand Devils, and Slacktone!  Will will be within a couple hours of virtually everywhere in CA!  We will also be releasing a new CD entitled: The Pyronauts Live at the Mystic Theatre featuring Dusty Watson.  More info on that soon.  Here is the schedule:

June 16th at Speakeasy Brewery in San Francisco with Pollo Del Mar and Berzerkers Saturday afternoon beer drinking party from 4 to 7pm, with The Pyronauts on at 5pm.

June 30th at Pistol Pete's in Auburn. Tour kick-off party! 9pm to 1am. 140 Harrison Street, Auburn, CA.

July 3rd at the Orangevale Grange Hall for the annual FIREWORKS EXTRAVAGANZA! We play right before the Fireworks, come early, bring a blanket and some food, buy some fireworks and enjoy the show! 5807 Walnut Avenue in Orangevale, CA.

July 4th at Baja Cantina in Venice Beach. 7 to 10pm. 311 Washington Blvd. in Marina Del Rey, CA. Come celebrate our country's independence at the best Mexican Cantina in California!

July 5th live on the air with Clint Beachwood. Listen live from 4 to 6pm on KCR radio San Diego.

July 6th  at the Whistle Stop in San Diego with The Sand Devils. It's time to ROCK San Diego! 2236 Fern Street. Show is at 9pm and this IS a 21 and over event!!!

July 7th at Suzy's in Hermosa Beach with The Detonators, The Longboards (from Spain) and SLACKTONE! Dusty Watson's 50th B-Day party madness! WOW... Don't miss this show starting at 8pm!! 1141 Aviation Blvd. Hermosa Beach, CA. (310) 379-0082

July 8th at the Huntington Beach International Surfing Museum. 1 to 3pm at the Museum Parking lot with The Longboards from Spain! 411 Olive Ave, Huntington Beach, CA. (714) 960-3483

July 13th at Chief Crazy Horse Inn Saloon & Grill in Nevada City. 9pm to 1am. $5 cover - 21 and over!

July 15th Yuba City Concert in the Park. Located at: City Hall Lawn, 1201 Civic Center Blvd. Please call (530) 822-4650 for more info! We will perform from 7pm to dark.

July 20th California Peach Festival in Marysville. 6 to 7:30pm.

July 22nd at Lake of the Pines Music's open house and anniversary celebration. Lots of music and students performing all day!

July 27th at G Street Pub in Davis with Aftershocker. 9pm, $4, 21 and over!

July 28th at Midnight Mass at the Radisson Hotel in Sacramento.

This story has 9 comments.


Now this is what I like to see when people submit information. All the links are there and "clickable", tons of information, and no spelling errors. LOL!!

Have a great summer Pyronauts, it looks killer!!!! Smile

Brian | 14-Jun-2007 20:54:59 | Flag

now that is a tour schedulle.

great job getting all that s**t together,

and can't wait to see you guys.


bigtikidude | 14-Jun-2007 21:28:51 | Flag

DITTO! Paul, you're a real inspiration.

DannySnyder | 15-Jun-2007 01:49:34 | Flag

Sometimes things just fall into place like that. It's gonna be a blast, but also grueling drives and strained relationships... but it's gonna be a blast!

Pyronauts | 15-Jun-2007 11:30:50 | Flag

Great way to kick off the tour at the Speakeasy last Saturday! Awesome show.


PolloGuitar | 18-Jun-2007 11:36:35 | Flag

Same to you Ferenc, the surf was epic with amidst a Tsunami of beer!

Pyronauts | 19-Jun-2007 13:14:45 | Flag

That was indeed an epic, epic show. I'm going back for more in Davis. I'm all over that show. Well... I'll be hanging around outside that pub anyways.

wooza | 19-Jun-2007 20:25:47 | Flag

That was a great show! Unfortunately, we had to leave half-way through Pollo's set. It was nice to meet you though, Ferenc. I will be looking for another PdM show and will schedule more liberally.

Surf and Destroy, indeed. Hang on to your socks, SoCal. Wait, do you guys wear socks down there?

JetBlue | 22-Jun-2007 18:13:22 | Flag

Regarding the Pyros on July 28th... I hope I have the correct info. I plan to be there.

You guys are playing the "Midnight Mass" show at CAL EXPO, and NOT at the Radisson this correct?

Rob_J | 22-Jul-2008 13:06:05 | Flag

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