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Link Wray Tribute @ Duff's Garage Portland, Or

Friday May 4, 2007

8 top Portland guitar players do nothing but Link Wray tunes! Featuring Jon Koonce, Harley James, Ian Miller, Matt Planck, Jon Wallace, Kyle Alaniz and others.

Duff's Garage 1635 SE 7th (@ Market) Portland, OR 97214 Phone .. 503.234.BEER

$5 showtime 9:30pm

This story has 9 comments.



sounds cool

can you post set list, or videos after please?



bigtikidude | 01-May-2007 11:01:34 | Flag

I'm Link Wray's daughter and I would like to Thank all of Daddy's fans in Portland,OR. This means alot to me, my brothers and sisters.

Please let Jon Koonce, Harley James, Ian Miller, Matt Planck, Jon Wallace, and Kyle Alaniz know how much this means to us and that my Father would be very proud. I'm sure he will be watching over Portland, OR on May 4th. Just in case you didn't know, his birthday is May 2nd.


mybeth | 01-May-2007 19:14:04 | Flag

Wow...thanks very much for posting mybeth! Your dad had a huge influence on the surf guitarists of the 60's and most surf fans (like me) dig the hell out of what he did. We love Link!

Brian | 01-May-2007 19:20:45 | Flag

I am Link Wray's Grandson, Chris Webb (mybeth's son). I'm very happy to hear about Duff's Garage is holding a Tribute in my Grandfather's Honor. I played with Grandaddy's Wrayman for the last two years. This past January we played at the Birchmere,VA and last January we played in Maryland and the Govenor of Maryland declared January 15th, Link Wray Day. Go to

I wish that I had known of this ahead of time. I would have been there. I'm a Bass Player but I do play the Guitar when I'm doing my Grandfather's music as well. If you decide to have it next year please let me know.

Again, Thank You Duff's Garage!

Chrisbassman | 02-May-2007 14:51:52 | Flag

I'll see what I can do about getting it on video or youtubed

Each featured guitar player will be performing 4 Link Wray songs with the choice of back band, mind will be my bandmates The Verbtones backin' me.

My choices are and in this order

  1. The Fuzz

  2. Mustang

  3. The Shadow Knows

  4. Batman

diceophonic | 02-May-2007 16:13:19 | Flag

Your very welcome and I'm sure the other featured guitar players would say the same "it's always an honor to play Link Wrays songs"

diceophonic | 02-May-2007 16:15:27 | Flag

We'll sure let ya know for next if Duff's Garage has it again and I hope they do this is the 2nd annual Link Wray Tribute night @ Duff's Garage

year 2!!!

diceophonic | 02-May-2007 16:16:46 | Flag

It's always an honor and I can speak for the others as well, I'm sure the other featured guitar players for this Link Wray tribute night feel the same way! thank you and thank you Link.

diceophonic | 02-May-2007 16:18:56 | Flag

Featuring Jon Koonce ...

No relation, but a bit of a shock, none the less.

Tuck | 07-May-2007 23:08:00 | Flag

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