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Surf Guitarist's A/B box

As the mostly rhythm guitarist in Meshugga Beach Party, I find myself often switching from heavy muted drip on single notes to light reverb for standard rhthym guitar playing or heavy reverb on lead guitar. This led to the problem of how to switch between the 2 settings consistently and quickly. Here's the answer:

Pic 1 Pic 2

I custom designed this A/B box and had it built by Anthony Gelona, a specialist in A/B boxes located in Egg Harbor City, NJ.

This was designed with my BF Pro Reverb in mind though it works fine with my Showman too. The A/B switches between a line to my outboard and a line directly into the amp. Both lines are then put in jacks 1 and 2 on my normal channel because my other channel is hot-rodded, though it would work just as well (if not better) split between the 2 channels.

The trick is to shut off the onboard reverb when the outboard is switched on. I accomplished this by tying the amp's reverb on/off switch to the same footswitch that activates the A/B.

When using my Showman with no built in reverb, I switch between my outboard and a reverb pedal.

I added a 'true bypass' loop and a separate switch for the onboard vibrato so as to consolidate my footswitching needs. The LED's really help too.

This thing is built like a tank and does exactly what I wanted. I go from playing chords on Hava Nagila to single note drip on Baja or lead on Misirlou with one press of the foot.

This story has 8 comments.


great looking a/b box you got there...form and function: a beautiful thing!

dp | 30-Oct-2006 11:25:44 | Flag

nice solution! I might steal that idea Wink

two questions: what made you have the box made instead of doin'one yourself, seems pretty straightforward. though I admit that the guys prices are pretty good.
second question: you could also opt to simply use one channel, and put the reverb in the effectsloop. have you tried it? was the difference in volume to large, and is that why you need to use two seperate channels? okay, third question - you could also wire it such that it uses the reverb tank's on/off footswitch, leaving the reverb circuit in the signal chain, but bleeding the effected signal to ground. same question?

just made a new masterbox for my edalboard this weekend, Ill try to post pics later. much less sophisticated though Wink

WR | 30-Oct-2006 12:07:59 | Flag

Good questions, I'll do my best to answer.

"what made you have the box made instead of doin'one yourself, seems pretty straightforward. though I admit that the guys prices are pretty good"

_I did make one, but I kept having issues with various wires working loose or bad solder joints or who knows. I thought about buying better quality components and building another one, but buying one-off parts drives the price up quickly. When I came across Anthony's business, his prices seem so good, and having expertise in these type of circuits and constructing them, that it seemed the way to go. BTW, the unit cost $120 delivered, with lifetime guarantee. _

"you could also opt to simply use one channel, and put the reverb in the effectsloop. have you tried it? was the difference in volume to large, and is that why you need to use two seperate channels?"

no, the volume wasn't an issue. When I looked at options for the switching, I decided that an A/B would serve me well after I may no longer have need of switching reverb settings.

DannySnyder | 30-Oct-2006 15:48:50 | Flag

I dig the whole thing but the reverb pedal part, I would stick to real spring tube drivin reverb onboard and outboard but I guess one has to Sacrifice a little something when you got a head with no onboard reverb but I get what your doing Danny for easy live setups and convenience and fast changes I dig that!

diceophonic | 31-Oct-2006 11:55:26 | Flag

Tone on 10? Ouch! What are your amp settings? Do you have your treble down low?

DannySnyder | 31-Oct-2006 23:15:51 | Flag

Listen to The Verbtone recordings to answer your question:) my tone setting on my amp are @5 1/2 bright switch is off and that makes a big difference:) Dave of Slacktone mentioned he dug my tone @ HBISM

Guitar volume to 10 guitar tone to 10

Been playing surf since the age of 6 on and off I am now 30 playing professionally for 12 years, A native to Socal:) living in the cold pacific northwest over 8 years now. My old man played back in the hay days in Socal in the 1960s @ this present time I am playing through his 65' tank and 65 bandmaster cab and my beloved vintage 1st year 62' Jaguar and for back up I play a US 2001 Jaguar.

Please forgive me Danny I have no beef and I respect what you got going and all other guitar katz out there everyone has thier own nitch and know hows and it works for them:) and I fig it!


diceophonic | 01-Nov-2006 00:41:39 | Flag

I'm sure your tone is awesome, I didn't mean for my reply to come off critical. Sounds like you have the ideal setup. And how cool is it to continue the family legacy. And I plan to get some Verbtone recordings, but I'd rather check you out in person, when are you making the trek up to SF?

DannySnyder | 01-Nov-2006 10:38:37 | Flag

That's cool Danny:) We do have Verbtone mp3s available via this group or myspace and main Verbtone site:) My 8 year old son has been plucking away and trying his hardest to play full chords but can only pluck on power chords and single notes, he's been getting so into Satan's Pilgrims,Ventures,Slacktone and The Beatles it's amazing what these young minds can get into he's always asking me and grandpa about vintage guitars and amps:) Yeah Danny we plan to head back to Socal next August of 07' maybe we can hook up a show? Also Via our myspace we do have video footage from last year 2005 if your interested:)


diceophonic | 01-Nov-2006 11:50:43 | Flag

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