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Product Review: Gerlitz Guitar Honey

Since most of us prefer Rosewood fingerboards, I wanted to give a review of this product I recently started using. It is called "Guitar Honey" by Gerlitz. I have to say this is the best fret board conditioner/cleaner I have ever used for Rosewood. It removes all grime and crud very easily, but also leaves the fret board feeling very smooth and conditioned.

If you want more thorough results, you can apply it with a very fine steal wool. I have not done this yet, but have read reviews praising this technique. I just apply it with a quality terry cloth and I am very happy with the results. Anyway, it’s about 8 bucks for a bottle. It should last a very long time as well. If you are looking for a fret board conditioner, I recommend trying Gerlitz Guitar Honey. You can do a Google search to easily find it.

PS I do not have any affiliation with this company.

This story has 2 comments.


I couldn't agree more - this stuff is great! I've been using it religiously for a couple years now, and can't imagine NOT using now.

Also, the small bottle has lasted me this long, and is still hardly halfway empty.

You won't be let down.


SurfBandBill | 23-Sep-2006 17:11:22 | Flag

Bill, exactly! A bottle will literally last years. That’s like 75 cents a year for a great product. I am glad I am not the only one who stumbled upon this product.

WaimeaBay | 23-Sep-2006 22:14:39 | Flag

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