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TMMMafia . Back 2da trecho . Brasil Shows 2016

After the European tour we're back to the road, now in Brasil to promote our new 7" called SURF'N'GOAT.

Next chapuletada :

23/Set . Curitiba/Pr . 92 Graus Pub
24/Set . SC a confirmar
25/Set . SC a confirmar
02/Out . Curitiba/Pr . Lado B . Psychobilly Fest
03/Out . Curitiba/Pr . Gravação Studio Tenda
04/Out . Maringá/Pr . Radio Cadillacs . Entrevista + Djzisse
05/Out . Maringá/Pr . Radio Cadillacs BAR Cultural . Live Session
06/Out . Londrina/Pr . Bar.Bearia . Seção Guerrilha
08/Out . Piracicaba/Sp . Point Skate . Lançamento do Surf'n'Goat em Pira
09/Out . Sorocaba/Sp . Lucky Friends Rodeo
15/Out . Goiania/Go . Martin Cerere . Rock Salsicha Fest

Foto por Rodrigo Melleiro / TMMMafia Euro Tour '16


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