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Mz. Siren first female DJ to join North Sea Surf Radio

NSSR is very pleased to announce the addition of the very first female DJ to North Sea Surf Radio. Starting July 18th DJ Mz. Siren will be presenting her weekly show "Surf Shot" which will be broadcast every Saturday at 21:00 CET, after Django Deadman's "Hangnine FM". "Green Cookie Beach" will move one hour back to 22:00 CET.

Mz Siren's time is split between a small fishing town called Hastings on the South East coast of England and her secret lab drifting in space from where she broadcasts Surf Shot. She is the bass player in The Sine Waves and Thee Jezebels.

She also co-promotes The Fratcave with her partner Project X from The Sine Waves, they try to ensure visiting European surf and garage bands stop off at Hastings and entertain the locals at their monthly shindig.


This story has 2 comments.


welcome Mz. Siren

bigtikidude | 26-Jul-2015 11:25:29 | Flag

Today she commented about her "northern twang". Her accent is lovely. I really enjoyed listening to her. Smile

wfoguy | 01-Aug-2015 19:16:24 | Flag

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