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Dave Wronski 2013
Dave Wronski 2013

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SurfGuitar101 News & Articles

Category: Surf Scene News

Dave Wronski Quoted in Guitar Player

In the May 2006 issue of Guitar Player magazine, there is an article called "99 Ways to Play Better: Tips By Your Favorite Guitar Heroes". This article features little snippets of wisdom, tips, and tricks from the royalty of guitar players. You know, guys like Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Joe Satriani, Joe Pass, Ritchie Blackmore, Carlos Santana, Jerry Garcia, Eric Johnson, John Lee Hooker, and the list goes on and on. Well, my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw that our own Dave Wronski, Slacktone guitar wizard and Jon & The Nightriders veteran, was quoted not once, but three times! That's right, 3 out of the 99 tips were from Dave Wronski! More than anyone else, I believe.

Congratulations Dave on getting the recognition you deserve!

Kudos to Guitar Player, who have been on a roll lately for giving nods to surf bands like Pollo Del Mar, Meshugga Beach Party, & Slacktone; not to mention to giving a column to Deke Dickerson!

Update on Jimmy Dale from Dick Dale

(I received this from Dick Dale via email)

thank you all for your caring on jimmy dale's healing and recovery...we feel it

After performing two explosive concerts with his dad dick dale, one being a lifetime achievement award from so cal music awards at the Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro, Ca.

Then the following weekend with bow wow at The Henry Fonda theater in Hollywood, Ca.

then the next day, Jimmy ripping on the drums with the pros at The Guitar Center in Hollywood and then playing dueling guitars with his dad in the guitar room only to be struck down from a freak accident while riding the desert with his friend out at the dry lake bed in joshua tree.

his friend shot out in front of him kicking dirt up in his face and they were both at a high rate of speed and before jimmy could shut down he hit a large rock and was thrown from his 250 dirt bike landing directly on his elbow breaking it into 3 pieces and shattering and driving the bones of the elbow 6 inches up into his arm.

jimmy's arm was stitched up at the High Desert Hospital in Joshua Tree, Ca. and after viewing the xrays the decision was immediately made to rush jimmy to Loma Linda Hospital in Loma Linda, Ca..

the surgeons reviewed the xrays and were negative in the outcome. they thought jimmy would lose the use of three of his fingers from nerve damage and that jimmy would have to battle a bone disease for the rest of his life from the dirt driven up into the bone.

After a day of surgery from the greatest surgeons to be, their talent produced the outcome that they feel that jimmy would make a full recovery in time, but would have to live with a steel plate in his elbow along with two large steel rods traveling inside his arm. jimmy is moving his fingers at this time...

he is now walking around with a robotic arm cast and freaking out people when they see him.

we are praying for his complete healing and that jimmy will be able to play his guitar and his drums with his dad dd, stronger than ever....

The Moral of this story...... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - ''YOU YOUNG RIDERS'' out there...... if you think you are invincible ....

please take a lesson from Jimmy...... PROTECT YOUR ELBOWS and everything else on your body when you ride...... DICK DALE

Pollo Del Mar Year of The Rooster Contest!

In celebration of the release of their new CD "The Year of the Rooster", Pollo Del Mar is running a contest with a truck load of fabulous prizes! Head on over to the contest page for the rules and the quiz questions. Hurry up because the deadline is March 31!

Double Crown On The Rocks Podcast Is Back!

The Double Crown On The Rocks Podcast is back! I tried doing a show last year, but gave up after 5 shows because it wasn't turning out very good with the equipment I had at the time. I now have an iBook with Garageband 3 and doing good-sounding podcasts is a snap now. I hope to do at least one new show each week. This week's show features two tracks from The Nebulas' brand new, self-titled CD. Check it out at:


I will be working on getting it up on iTunes as well.


Double Crown Records

New CD By The Nebulas Available For Pre-Order!!!

We are proud to announce the release of The Nebulas' 3rd full-length CD!!!

The Nebulas - S/T CD - #DCCD24 - $12.75

Double Crown is gearin' up for the release of the new CD by The Nebulas, which comes out next week just in time for their upcoming shows with Satan's Pilgrims! Fifteen amazing tracks, a little faster and a little rawer than what you're used to from this band. Make sure your speakers are in good working order now, cuz this disc is gonna test your hi-fi like it's never been tested before! You can get more info about this great band at or

Tracks: Retribution - Logan's Run - Kalashnikov - Nebulomp - Chummy Jigger - Morpheus - Dragunov - El Boracho - S.O.S. - All Your Base... - Uhura - Bus Stop - Von Schlieffen Plan + Two Bonus Tracks!!!

You can order this, or any Double Crown CD on their own for $12.75 + shipping, or you can join the Double Crown Music Club for $35.00 to get this and the next 3 CD releases (US Music Club Price. $40 for Canada. $45 Rest Of The World). Coming later this year is a CD-EP from The Madeira and Seasonal Favorites: Volume 2 CD.

If you send a Paypal payment to:, just send $12.75 - no need to add anything for shipping. If you order online at, use the coupon code: NEBULAS and you will not need to pay for shipping. This offer expires March 10th, the expected arrival date of The Nebulas new CD. At that point we will ship all pre-orders, as well as copies to all of the
Double Crown Music Club members. You can also send cash/check/money order to the address below.

Ordering Information

--We accept cash, checks and money orders, payable to Double Crown Records, Paypal payments sent to:, or online with your credit card.
--Please list alternates whenever possible. If we are out of stock, please specify whether you want a credit or a refund.
--Washington residents must add 8.2% sales tax. (subtotal x 1.082)
--Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.

Mail Your Order To:

Double Crown Records - P.O. Box 4336 - Bellingham, WA 98227-4336 USA

Dick Dale's son Jimmy injured

Submitted on behalf of Ivan Pongracic:

From Linda Miller of HBISM:

"Please pray for Dick Dale's son Jimmy... he just got out of major surgery for a very, very serious injury to his arm... he was dirt biking and his friend cut him off causing dirt to kick up in his face so he could see where he was going and hit a rock...his elbow broke in 3 places and was driven 6 inches up into his arm...they did reconstructive surgery to fix it and hope to be able to maintain the use of his fingers and not get a life threatening bone infection while he heals....He is in the hospital now and Dick spent all night last night till 1:15Pm today getting this taken care of, coming in from his desert ranch 3 hours away... Needless to say Dick is at his wit's end regarding this so he could use us talking to the man up stairs...Jimmy's career maybe at stake here so it is a real big ordeal for both of them...Take care, Linda"

Please join me in wishing a speedy recovery to Jimmy and the Dale family.

Sundazed to Reissue Capitol Surf Titles!

Big News From Sundazed!!!

Big, huge news from Sundazed ( direct from their PR guy:

"Hi Sean,

We will have more Capitol Surf titles coming in May including: the Ghouls, Mr. Gasser and the Weirdo's, the Kickstands and the Knights.

Also, yes we are proud to say we have reached and agreement with Dick Dale and his representatives for Sundazed to issue the entire Dick Dale catalog.

We will be addressing this over the coming months and I will let you know
when we have more details."


Double Crown Records