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SurfGuitar101 News & Articles

Category: Site News

Graphic Artist Wanted

You may have noticed SG101 has changed! Yes, that's right we switched over to all new software with a new design by Ken Dushane. As we settle into the new digs and squash the bugs, I have a request for all you graphic designers. 

I'd like to get a new set of "news topics icons" for the new site. I'm willing to pay you for your work, and give you credit on our colophon page. Please send me a quote and perhaps a sketch of your ideas or a pointer to existing work. 

You can see the existing topic icons on the news category page

SG101 2.0 Is Nigh: Site Upgrade Notice

Dear SG101 Peeps -

As we approach the 5 year anniversary of the interactive version of this website, some changes are blowing in with the rising surf. As many of you know, I've been working (on and off) for almost 2 years on a new version of this dear website. The time has come to "go live" with this new software and new design. That time is tentatively going to be this coming weekend, starting on Friday, February 25th.

Most of the content we currently have here will follow us to the new site: user accounts, news stories, our Web links database, and our massive collection of forum posts. You won't need to re-register or anything like that, your current user name and password combination will continue to work.

Stuff I am not bringing over, at least right away: photo of the day, member map, calendar entries, avatars, and private messages. If you have some information in your private messages you want to keep, please save it yourself manually. You have been warned (although I do apologize for the short notice).

Since I'm just an amateur Web developer, and only one man, I have no idea what is going to go wrong during this process. I expect the site to go down sometime Friday morning for two to five hours. Depending on how things go, this may stretch into a day or even days. Please bear with me during this process. Play some guitar or listen to some great surf music. If you'd like to keep up on the progress, please check the @SurfGuitar101 twitter feed, or pop into IRC (I'll be there, swearing and panicking, most likely).

The current site has served us well, but it is very creaky and tedious to keep running. The new site will allow me to provide many more features for the SG101 community. I hope it will be worth the long wait.

Please discuss the upcoming transition in this forum thread.

Thanks in advance for your patience!

SG101 2010 MP3 Compilation now on!

Hey everyone, head on over to to check out the SG101 2010 MP3 Compilation! You can download all the songs separately, together, or even stream them with their player.

Thanks everyone for participating! We had a record number of entries. Check out the forums as we will likely have an IRC listening party.

New SG101 Stickers Available

New Sticker Make a donation to SG101 and receive some cool new stickers designed by Fred Lammers! Just head over to the store page for all the info. Thanks for supporting!

Announcing the SG101 2010 MP3 Compilation!

I am pleased to announce the SurfGuitar101 2010 MP3 Compilation! Our 6th one! Just like before, this is a way for all members to share music, recording tips, and to just have fun. The main emphasis is fun, so please send in an entry no matter what your skill level is. Here are the rules:
  1. You must be a member of this website to submit an mp3.
  2. You may submit only 1 mp3.
  3. The mp3 you submit must not have appeared on any "official" release before. Likewise, please don't submit anything that is destined for an official release in the future.
  4. The mp3 must be 8 MB in size or less.
  5. There is a good chance the comp will end up on Therefore, you must agree to their Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No-Derivatives) License for your mp3.
  6. The deadline for submitting an mp3 is Friday, December 17th, 2010.
I have created an Official 2010 MP3 Compilation Forum Thread. Please use that thread to discuss the compilation and to get information on how to submit an mp3. Please use that thread if you'd like to find a fellow member to work with on the project. With the magic of digital recording and the internet, remote collaborations are possible. Make your own virtual surf band! Let the comp begin!

Please check out our prior compilations if you haven't seen them already: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009.

Space Cossacks 2010 Reunion T-Shirts For Sale in SG101 Store

Did you get a chance to score a rare Space Cossacks 2010 reunion t-shirt yet? Well now you can! SurfGuitar101 is hosting a Paypal form for The Space Cossacks, who have a limited number of t-shirts left over from the tour.

To buy, go to the SG101 Store page, select your style and size, and click the "buy now" button. You can pay with your Paypal account, but if don't have one, no problem, you can also pay with a credit card. Again, act fast as supplies are limited!

SG101 Podcast #12 Now Available!

Join Lady Reverb as she spins music from the bands who will be performing at the 3rd Annual Surf Music Convention on August 7th, 2010 in Los Alamitos, CA. Also featured are new music from The Bambi Molesters, The Reigning Monarchs, and The Wagon Train.

Head on over to our podcast page to download it now, or look for it in iTunes shortly. Enjoy!

A big thank you to Lady Reverb & Danny Snyder for producing this episode!

Song List:

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Follow SurfGuitar101 on Twitter!

I finally broke down and created an "official" SG101 twitter feed: @SurfGuitar101. I'll be tweeting about news and events relating to the site as well as interesting surf music links.

SG101 Podcast #11 Now Available!

The Ghastly Podcast

Podcast 11 - The Ghastly Podcast. This episode we're honored to have Norman Cabrera aka Baron Shimmy Shivers of The Ghastly Ones calling out the tunes. He's given us a killer selection of old school surf tunes that influenced him and his bandmates to be the kickass surf band they are today. We also have the 2nd half of his interview with Warren BInder. If you want to hear even more of this interview, stay tuned to the podcast page on SG101 and we'll upload it soon. Finally we're also featuring some new music by Norwegians - The Mobsmen and Icelandic SG101 member Burt Rocket.

Head on over to our podcast page to download it now, or look for it in iTunes shortly. The podcast is available in both .m4a and .mp3 formats. PC users can use the piece-of-junk Quicktime player, or the super awesome VLC media player, to listen. Enjoy!

A big thank you to Lady Reverb, Danny Snyder, Warren Binder, and Baron Shivers!

Song List:

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

2009 MP3 Compilation Now Available on!

Hey everyone, head on over to to check out the SG101 2009 MP3 Compilation! You can download all the songs separately, together, or even stream them with their player.

Thanks everyone for participating! We had a record number of entries. Check out the forums as we will likely have an IRC listening party.