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Category: Interviews

Time Surfers Interview with PI Records

Interview with Brook Hoover of The Surf Zombies

Brook Hoover plays guitar in The Surf Zombies, an Iowa based surf/instrumental/garage band. The interview was conducted by David Lilly.

David Lilly: What was it that led you to playing guitar? Do you play other instruments?

Brook Hoover: I received an acoustic guitar for Christmas when I was 14 and took lessons from a local guitar teacher. Sight-reading was going pretty slow, but I found I could match pitch from records, tapes and tv shows and that led to jamming with my friends in the basement and a life-long love of music. I play drums and bass in order to produce demos and song ideas. I also like to sing.

David: Keith Richards strongly encourages starting with acoustic. I understand what you’re saying about sight reading. Once I learned a song on clarinet, I didn’t need sheet music. I’ve rented electric guitar, electric bass and tried harmonica over the years. I’ve never stayed with anything though. I suspect that’s due to not having anyone to jam with. Do you enjoy playing by yourself just for the sake of playing and it being fun for you?

Brook: I live to explore and practice the most basic fundamental aspects of guitar playing. The hardware is pretty interesting too. I am especially fond of Fender amps. Just locating the notes on the fretboard and understanding the patterns is pretty therapeutic for me. I really think it is healing to listen to music as well as play notes. I study more complex excerpts of songs but can't remember much. I live to improvise and write.

David: What kinds of music do you like to play the most? Also, what or who do you like to listen to?

Brook: I love to dig in and play blues chords and try to fashion melodies, riffs and chords to fit chord progressions. Also studying basic jazz chords and progressions. Improvising and creating new music is probably my favorite thing to do. I also enjoy designing lessons for beginning-level students.

I listen to Iowa Public Radio ( ) for a variety of new and classic music that is under-represented by commercial radio. Also I have many old favorites that are the usual suspects of rock and blues pioneers. Anything from the 20's-current is something I'd listen to. I am fascinated by Jeff Beck. I spent the last few years obsessing over Los Straitjackets and The Damned. A lot of British stuff. Hard rock, Bowie, Iggy Pop and always The Ramones. Obscure local releases by my friends and colleagues in Iowa takes up a good amount of listening time. And then I have to review a lot of my own mixes and demos to try to remember them to finish them or perform them live is probably the bulk of what I listen to. Also IPR.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Pi records podcast

Tons of surf label, radio and band interviews. Such as Surfer Joe, DJ Dotty, Satan's Pilgrims, Wasagas, Evanstones, Volcanics and much much more

Upstream Indie Interview with Susan SurfTone

The Shrunken Head Lounge Exclusive interview with Bob Berryhill of The Surfaris and WIPE OUT Fame!

We are pleased to present a recent interview with Bob Berryhill of The Surfaris.

Bob was very generous with his time and spoke about so many interesting topics covering the history of this great surf band.

Show #23 features a full hour of our interivew with Bob plus all the great Surfaris hits we've all come to love over the years.

· Listen to how Wipe Out came to be written in only 10 minutes!

· Their first recording experience at a very young age of 14

· Working with their first NY Producer for Decca Records

· Bob talks about his favorite guitars, amps and effects

Stop by today to our site to download the Show


DJ & Curator of The Shrunken Head Lounge

Shrunken Head Lounge | Interview with Dave and the Pussies

Just did an interview with Austria's "Dave and the Pussies". Look for the show on our archives page in a few weeks.



DJ & Curator of The Shrunken Head Lounge

Shrunken Head Lounge Special Show: Tune in this Sunday Oct 9th 8-9pm ET

Tune in to the Shrunken Head Lounge this Sunday Oct 9 8-9pm for a cool new show.

Part 1: Surf Music for Lovers Only.
Part 2: my interview with Germany's top surf band - The Razorblades. - get online early to claim a stream - they are limited to 50 broadband and 50 dial-up!!!

Eddie Bertrand Interviewed on Spanish Radio

Surf guitar legend Eddie Bertrand (Belairs, Eddie & The Showman) recently traveled to Spain to play a festival. He was interviewed on El Sotano (The Basement), a program hosted at Spanish National Radio. Check out the whole interview here. It's a very interesting interview interspersed with Eddie's music, and don't worry, the interview is in both Spanish and English. Well worth a listen!

Chunklet Interviews Birdstuff on the Man or Astro-Man? Reunion

Here is a great interview with Man or Astro-Man? drummer Birdstuff at Chunklet regarding the recent news that Man or Astro-Man? are reuniting. It looks like it contains much of the same information Birdstuff posted at the MoAM? MySpace blog. However there are new details that every MoAM? fan will want to read. Thanks Chunklet!

NESMA Spotlight - May 2009

Check out the NESMA Featured Band for May 2009. It's an interview with Bobby D, host of Surf Nite!