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Category: Featured Videos

The Surfites: Thou Shalt Drag

Here's a great surf tune with some vintage drag racing action from The Surfites! Check out their debut album "Big Pounder" available now at Double Crown Records.

The Thunderchiefs: Drag-N-Fly

Wow! Check out The Thunderchiefs live in Spain during the 8th High Rockabilly Festival, Sep. 2007! This is their song "Drag-N-Fly" from their first CD "Dig" available on Wormtone Records.

Slacktone: The Bells of St. Kahuna

Welcome to the first entry in a new article category: Featured Video. There are so many great video clips of surf bands out on the web I thought I would create this category to showcase them. I'll run a video selected by our crack editorial staff every week or so.

First up we have Slacktone playing "The Bells of St. Kahuna". This was a combined production effort from members Tim (HBKahuna) and Tom (tdsurf). Great job guys! I also want to thank Tom for making the cool topic icon for this new category. Let 'er rip Slacktone!