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Category: Featured Videos

Lost in Paradise #11: The Eddie Bertrand Benefit

Check out this great video, "Lost in Paradise #11", which covers the Eddie Bertrand benefit show that took place on Saturday, February 5th, 2011, at Don the Beachcombers in Huntington Beach, CA. The video has highlights of the bands that played and quick interviews with some of the people involved.

We Have Signal: Man or Astro-Man?

Watch this fantastic clip of MoAM?, it's nearly 30 minutes long! Click the text link below to watch it on Vimeo in a larger size.

WE HAVE SIGNAL: Man or Astro-Man? from We Have Signal on Vimeo.

Lost in Paradise SG101 Convention #3 Highlights Clip

Check out this really cool compilation video featuring bits and pieces of the SG101 Convention #3, August 7th, 2010 in Los Alamitos, California. Thanks Lost In Paradise folks!

El Ray at SurferJoe 2010

Wow, so many great videos are coming out on YouTube after SurferJoe 2010 ended in Livorno, Italy a short time ago. I created a 7 song playlist of videos uploaded by our esteemed members Unsteady Freddie and keelson of the great band from Denmark: El Ray. Dig it!

Slacktone at Tiki Caliente II 2010!

Enjoy these 6 videos courtesy of remora1: Slacktone performs at Tiki Caliente II  2010!

The Space Cossacks 10 Year Reunion Show at IOTA

Here are 9, count them, 9 videos from The Space Cossacks 10 year reunion show at IOTA, in Arlington Virginia, on Saturday, May 15th, 2010. A big SG101 thank-you to our own morphball for shooting and uploading this priceless footage! Dig it!

Ewa On The Beach Guitar Lesson!

Ferenc Dobronyi has just uploaded a great video on YouTube, showing you how to play the great Frankie & The Pool Boys tune Ewa On The Beach!

The Bambi Molesters - As The Dark Wave Swells

Well look what popped up on YouTube! There are 3 new videos of The Bambi Molesters playing on what looks like TV. Check out this video of their moody new tune "As The Dark Wave Swells".

Edit (April 2016) This video has been removed. Rats.

Other videos from the same show:

The Boardwalkers from 1991

Check out this public access TV clip from 1991! The Boardwalkers play The (Original) Surfaris Surfari and Davie Allan's The Angry Breed.

From the YouTube page:

One of the best of the 3rd wave instrumental Surf Bands. Without question not only the best but earliest footage of them. Recorded in 1991 for 'It's Happening' a public access TV show hosted and produced by Domenic Priore and Audrey Moorehead.

Surfari was originally recorded by the Original Surfaris. released on Del-Fi in Aug. 63 The Angry Breed originally recorded by Davie Allan and the Arrows for the '68 film of the same name.

Dan Valentie - Guitar, Forrest Bivens - Bass, Scot Forer - drums

Meshugga Beach Party: Shmatta Hari

Check out this amazing video put together by tdsurf (Tom Duncan) of "Sound of the Surf" movie fame. This is Meshugga Beach Party performing Shmatta Hari at the Purple Orchid in 2008! Also see the forum discussion on this video.