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Archive for May, 2010

Mariepalooza - Benefit Concert for Marie - May 30th


Marie is the bar manager for Don The Beachcomber in Sunset Beach Ca, a very surf friendly venue. Marie had a bad car accident a few weeks back and we are putting on this event to raise funds for her.

Save this date: Sun. May 30th 2pm to midnight. Tickets for the big event can be bought here. Here is a list of the bands, and their myspace page to give them a listen.

If you would like to donate to the fund, but cannot attend go here. If you do show up, there will be tons of stuff donated for a raffle, and auction.

We hope some of you can attend. More info to come soon.

The Space Cossacks 10 Year Reunion Show at IOTA

Here are 9, count them, 9 videos from The Space Cossacks 10 year reunion show at IOTA, in Arlington Virginia, on Saturday, May 15th, 2010. A big SG101 thank-you to our own morphball for shooting and uploading this priceless footage! Dig it!

Great Lakes Surf Battle 5, June 4 & 5 @ Toronto

FlyerDon't miss the 5th Annual Great Lakes Surf Battle! With 7 bands over 2 nights, it is guaranteed to be total surf & rock'n'roll mayhem! Both nights at the Cadillac Lounge, 1296 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. This year will be better than ever so plan for it now!

Return of the Jaguar (the 40 year journey of an Australian guitar)

Return of the Jaguar

(the 40 year journey of an Australian guitar)

Martin Cilia is guitarist with the legendary Australian surf band  The Atlantics. He is also regarded as one of Australia's finest.

Around 2006 Martin got a phone call to demonstrate some guitar sounds for ABC’s The Collectors TV show. He had original versions of all the guitars they wanted to demo, except for one - a Fender Jaguar. Steve Jackson of Jackson's Rare Guitars sent over one of his Jaguars to use.

There is more to this story, continue reading ...

Instromania Melbourne, Aust. - 12th June 2010


Instromania presents the opportunity for music fans to join forces to witness a day of instrumental madness. 

Date: 12th June 2010
Time: 8pm- Midnight
Location: The Chandelier Room
91 Cochranes Road, Moorabbin (Melbourne, Aust.)
(ample parking available)

  • Martin Cilia
  • Ben Rogers Instrumental Asylum
  • The Futuras
  • Harry's Webb
Tickets: $15 (at the door)
More info:


Follow SurfGuitar101 on Twitter!

I finally broke down and created an "official" SG101 twitter feed: @SurfGuitar101. I'll be tweeting about news and events relating to the site as well as interesting surf music links.

The Space Cossacks, Daikaiju, The Atomic Mosquitos - May 14

Flyer5/14/2010 9:00 PM
Space Cossacks, Atomic Mosquitos and Daikaiju
with DJ Bumpadelic spinning intro 45's
The Metro Gallery
1700 North Charles St., Baltimore, MD

Space Cossacks 10 Year Reunion Show - IOTA, Arlington, VA


5/15/2010 9:00 PM
Official 10 year reunion show w/Atomic Mosquitos opening
Iota Club and Cafe
2832 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Virginia