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Archive for December, 2009

The Bambi Molesters - As The Dark Wave Swells

Well look what popped up on YouTube! There are 3 new videos of The Bambi Molesters playing on what looks like TV. Check out this video of their moody new tune "As The Dark Wave Swells".

Edit (April 2016) This video has been removed. Rats.

Other videos from the same show:

2009 MP3 Compilation Now Available on!

Hey everyone, head on over to to check out the SG101 2009 MP3 Compilation! You can download all the songs separately, together, or even stream them with their player.

Thanks everyone for participating! We had a record number of entries. Check out the forums as we will likely have an IRC listening party.

New Laramie Dean band live in Hollywood,CA


Got a new band here in Cali! Korey Kingston is my new drummer. He has recorded and played with Tim Armstrong, the Aggrolites and is touring with Hepcat.
He has recruited the rest of the band, Dave-O on bass and Jeff Bennett on sax. We have been working on some new material and will be playing it at our next show.
We are playing at Slim Jim Phantom's place in West Hollywood, CA. Friday December 11th.

Ok, Thanks!